Job Offer

Marine Pilot (Dublin)

published on 27 May 2020 796 -

Dublin Port Company
Dublin, Ireland

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Smart Ports: Piers of the Future

published on 25 November 2019

Six leading Ports join forces to show the world their Smart Port model


Article Harken presents the new man overboard recovery system

by Harken - published on 22 July 2024

Harken Safety & Rescue has unveiled an innovative man overboard recovery system designed to improve safety on vessels. Developed in collaboration with Genoa Port Pilots, this system offers a solution for rescuing overboard personnel efficiently.


Video Transport maritime : le rôle crucial des pilotes du St-Laurent

published on 17 October 2022

Toutes les 40 minutes, un pilote du Saint-Laurent embarque à bord d'un navire de commerce qui transite entre Montréal et Québec. 230 pilotes sont chargés de guider les embarcations dans la voie maritime : une des plus dangereuses au monde. Un métier essentiel à l'économie du Québec, qui est payant, mais qui vient avec son lot de contraintes et de stress. Catherine François nous amène à bord d'un porte-conteneur qui sillonne le fleuve. Le reportage de Catherine François au #TJ18H -- Rendez-...


Video Pilot Boarding Ship in Extreme Weather condition

published on 2 August 2021

Pilot boarding Spirit of Tasmania ship from Pilot Boat- Epic scene as in movies
#Spirit of Tasmania
#Bass strait channel


Video Simulation of EVER GIVEN Accident in Suez Canal 2021 in 3D by FleetMon

published on 27 March 2021

On Mar 23, 2021, at around 0500 UTC, Ultra Large Container Vessel EVER GIVEN ran aground in the Suez Canal north of Suez. The incident caused a blockage of the Suez Canal, extensive vessel traffic jams, and disruptions in the maritime supply chain. Watch a 3D video simulation of the last 90 minutes of her journey before the accident happened. The video is based on AIS vessel position data received by FleetMon.
FleetMon is one of the world’s leading AIS vessel tracking providers offering...


Video Pilot Boat Malaysia

published on 12 December 2022

Pilot kapal pandu Kapal pandu, Pilot boat, Pelindo, Pelaut, Kapal laut, Seaman, Ship, Pelayaran, Pelabuhan, Jakarta, Tanjung priok, Marine pilot, Kepanduan, Boat, Kapal, Pandu, Pandu bandar, Pandu laut, Job At seaKapal pandu, Pilot boat, Pelindo, Pelaut, Kapal laut, Seaman, Ship, Pelayaran, Pelabuhan, Jakarta, Tanjung priok, Marine pilot, Kepanduan, Boat, Kapal, Pandu, Pandu bandar, Pandu laut, Job At sea
#pelabuhanambon #kotaambon #kapalpelni #temanpelni #kmciremai#pelabuhanambon...


Video Marine Alutech Watercat 160 Pilot

published on 16 November 2022

The first of three Watercat 160 Pilot was delivered to the Finnish Finnpilot Pilotage Ltd. in spring 2022. This PILOT boat has a self-righting ability as well as the ability to sail in surface ice of up to five centimetres thick. It can also be operated in deeper offshore waters to accommodate transfers of pilots to deeper-draught ships. The Watercat 160 Pilot can operate even in more restrictive inner harbour waters. The bow has D-type rubber fendering while the hull sides are equipped...


Article BC Pilotage Authority adds 20m Pilot Boat to fleet

published on 5 November 2021

The Pacific Pilotage Authority of Canada (PPA) has taken delivery of a new aluminium pilot boat from Ocean Pacific Marine of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.


Video Metal Shark and Sea Machines Launch New Sharktech Autonomous Vessel

published on 11 December 2019

USA-based shipbuilder Metal Shark and Sea Machines, a Boston-based leading developer of autonomous marine technology, have partnered on the introduction of a new 29-foot autonomous vessel now being offered through Metal Shark’s “Sharktech” autonomous division. Full story here: