Job Offer

Marine Pilot (NEW)

published on 13 October 2020 1163 -

Qatar Energy
Mesaieed Port, Qatar

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Article Docksta shipyard excel at Pilot Boats- secures another contract for Germany

published on 21 December 2022

During 2022 Saab’s shipyard in Docksta has delivered two Pilot Boats to Germany. In December a contract for a new Pilot Boat for Germany was signed.


Article Report on Safe Tug Procedures

by Captain Henk Hensen (Marine Consultant) - published on 6 February 2020

Based on Pilot, Tug Master and Ship Captain Questionnaires

Compiled by:

Captain Henk Hensen FNI FITA Captain Daan Merkelbach FITA Captain F. van Wijnen MNI


Video A day at work of Marine Pilot Evan Simkus, Port of London Authority

published on 8 March 2022

Many thanks to Capt. Pilot Evan Simkus for the insight into the working day!


Article Maryland Pilots Order New Launch from Gladding-Hearn

published on 24 January 2023

The Association of Maryland Pilots has ordered its fifth Chesapeake Class launch from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation. Delivery is scheduled for early 2024.


Video Marine Alutech Watercat 160 Pilot

published on 16 November 2022

The first of three Watercat 160 Pilot was delivered to the Finnish Finnpilot Pilotage Ltd. in spring 2022. This PILOT boat has a self-righting ability as well as the ability to sail in surface ice of up to five centimetres thick. It can also be operated in deeper offshore waters to accommodate transfers of pilots to deeper-draught ships. The Watercat 160 Pilot can operate even in more restrictive inner harbour waters. The bow has D-type rubber fendering while the hull sides are equipped...


Article Rodman 41, the last unit built of this model of pilot boat for the Cádiz Pilots Corporation

published on 30 November 2022

Rodman is delivering the latest unit of this model of Rodman 41 pilot boat, specially designed and built for the Cadiz Pilots Corporation and fitted to meet all the Owner's requirements.


Opinion A Seaman’s Review of “ Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad

by Capt.Alpertunga Anıker - published on 7 December 2022

The writer, whose full name is Josef Konrad Korzeniowski, but known by the literary world as Joseph Conrad, was born in 1857 in the Ukrainian town of Berdychiv to a Polish mother and father. This region was once included in the territory of the Kingdom of Poland.


Opinion How to navigate your way through chaos as a marine Pilot?

published on 9 December 2021

In my most recent article, I talked about how ports are currently faced with disruptive circumstances that severely impact the day-to-day port operations. The COVID-19 situation and blockage of the Suez Canal lead to increased operational uncertainty and a need for ports to endure the situation rather than planning the future.


Article What is a Maritime Pilot? From "Crossing the Bar, The Adventures of a San Francisco Bay Bar Pilot" by Captain Paul Lobo

by Capt. Paul Lobo - published on 22 September 2020

Chapter 3 from the book "Crossing the Bar, The Adventures of a San Francisco Bay Bar Pilot" by Captain Paul Lobo, available on Amazon (link below)


Video Ship Pilot Showing Amazing Skill in Narrow Channel

published on 10 September 2020

Video Showing a long bulk carrier ship Manoeuvring its way through narrow river channel.
Video Credit: Dave Avner