Job Offer

Casual Marine Pilot - Yamba

published on 24 November 2021 397 -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Article Furetank (Sweden) turns former office into advanced ship simulator training centre

published on 7 February 2023

Furetank turns a former office building into a maritime educational centre on Donsö outside Gothenburg: a state-of-the-art ship simulator complex for training, assessment and certification.


Article Command or Control?

by Capt. Gürhan Aktürk - published on 27 October 2019

“Piloting the vessels was there since there was a sea transportation” This is one of the most popular and might be most proud phrase for pilots. During the maritime history, piloting the vessels evolved in many aspects, however main core is never changed; trustworthy colleague from neighbourhood will be close by for safe passage.


Video Official video: 74a Assemblea nazionale Fedepiloti, Italy

published on 27 April 2021

Great image video of the Italian pilots (Federazione Italiana Piloti dei Porti).


Video Loud & Clear COMM while berthing vessels

by Nasir Khan - published on 25 April 2022

A video by Capt. Pilot Nasir Khan, Pakistan
Why loud and clear communication is very important.


Article Review Of Pilot Boat St. David Crash

published on 15 May 2021

The Ministry of Transport can confirm that the pilot boat, St David, was involved in a crash with a reef off of the Northeast Breaker Beacon on Thursday, May 6th, 2021 at 6:48am.


Video Rodman 41, Embarcación de Prácticos y Puertos.

published on 8 April 2021

Rodman 41, es el último modelo de embarcaciones de prácticos diseñado y construido por Rodman. Con 12 metros de eslora el Rodman 41, se convierte en el barco de prácticos más competitivo y con mejores prestaciones del mercado. Equipado con todo lo necesario para realizar trabajos y servicios de puerto, donde se le requiera, de manera inmediata.


Opinion AIMPA - The need and it´s Ideals

by Capt. Gajanan Karanjikar - Founder President - AIMPA - published on 12 February 2021

The formation of the All India Marine Pilot Association was a task which was required at any cost. The hurdles of Morale ground were noticed and one such organization was then decided to be formed by Group of Mariners who care for ’safety and security’ of the Pilot.


Article Offers of used Pilot Boats welcome

by - published on 8 March 2020

One of our clients in Europe is looking for a small Pilot Boat (35-36 ft.) to buy.


Video Pilot Boat "Tribulation". Cairns, Australia

published on 27 September 2021

Cairns based Pilot Vessel underway outbound 19/9/21


Video Dali Timeline from Data Recorder in Striking Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, March 26, 2024

published on 4 April 2024

Dali Timeline What's Going on With Shipping? March 29, 2024 In this episode - maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner - discusses the timeline released by the NTSB from the Dali's Vessel Data Recorder and lays out some of the questions, issues that have been raised, and questions that need to be answered. #dali #baltimorebridge #baltimore #shipping #brdigecollapse #supplychain #containerships #containerships Support What's Going on With...