
Latest edition of the European Maritime Pilots Association newsletter released

published on 23 June 2022 176 -

EMPA has released their latest newsletter containing:

  • Foreword from EMPA President Erik Dalege
  • Synopsis with some photos of EMPA Congress 2022 in Antwerp
  • Reports from the Turkish and Spanish Maritime Pilots meetings
  • Articles from Arie Palmers and Captain Vasko Rabrenovic of the Montenegrin Pilots

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Master Mariner Pasogit Satrya Simanungkalit Indonesian Maritime Pilots Association - INAMPA, Indonesia
on 23 June 2022, 14:33 UTC

good improvement....keep going steady as she goes....


Article EMPA Newsletter issue 002

by EMPA - European Maritime Pilots' Association - published on 3 August 2021

The European Maritime Pilot´s Association has released the new Newsletter issue 002/2021.


Article EMPA Newsletter issue 003

by EMPA - European Maritime Pilots' Association - published on 6 January 2022

The European Maritime Pilot´s Association has released the new Newsletter issue 003/2022.


Article Overview of documents concerning the COVID-19 pandemic by EMPA

published on 11 November 2020

The European Maritime Pilots' Association (EMPA) has compiled a very good overview of current (and also country-specific) documents concerning the COVID-19 pandemic on its website. This page is updated regularly.


Article Svitzer Amea Signs 10-Year Contract With Fgen LNG Corporation

published on 19 July 2021

Svitzer, a leading global towage provider and part of Maersk, has today announced that it has signed a 10-year Time Charter Party with FGEN LNG Corporation (FGEN LNG), a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Gen Corporation (First Gen) for the provision of towage and other vessel support services required by FGEN LNG’s Interim Offshore LNG Terminal which will feature a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) that will be located at the First Gen Clean Energy Complex in Batangas City in the Philippines.


Opinion AMPI Position Paper: Ethical use of pilotage data

by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute - published on 31 July 2024

The use of historical navigation data by ports is essential for safety investigations globally. In the digital age, a wealth of pilotage data is available, aiding operations and training but potentially causing stress if misused.


Article Finnpilot in 2020: the continuity of pilotage activities was safeguarded through successful protective measures

published on 31 March 2021

The successful protective measures implemented by Finnpilot Pilotage contributed to ensuring the continuity of Finland’s foreign trade, also amid the coronavirus pandemic. The number of pilotage assignments decreased significantly along with the decline in vessel traffic.


Article Tero Vainio has been appointed Finnpilot technology manager (CTO)

published on 12 December 2020

Tero Vainio has been appointed Finnpilot's Chief Technology Officer CTO). He will take up his position on 4 January 2021.


Article AIMPA Journal- February 2021 issue VIII

by AIMPA - All India Marine Pilots' Association - published on 17 February 2021

The All India Maritime Pilots' Association has released its new journal for February


Video The Pilot Of Belfast Harbour - N Irish Coastal Scenery

published on 20 June 2022

What a great pleasure to meet these guys at the harbour - they could not have been more helpful and forthright about their work. At first glance, the glide of these orange powerboats up and down Belfast Lough seems an almost effortless task, but close up this is a very skilled trade and constant management of risk 24/7 in high and low seas, jumping from ship to boat to land taking safe control of the great volume of steel vessel coming in and out of this busy port. Though a hub of...


Video Corryvreckan Maelstrom & Thunder Child II documentary

published on 28 July 2020

Safehaven Marine undertook an 800nm 4 day cruise in Thunder Child II to Scotland, living off the boat to visit a place called the Gulf of Corryvreckan. A pretty wild yet beautiful place. The Corryvreckan whirlpool, or ‘Maelstrom’, as would be a more appropriate description, is formed as the tide enters the narrow stretch of water between the Islands of Jura and Scarba that is the Gulf of Corryvreckan. Here the tidal flow speeds up to 8.5kts as it is squeezed between the islands, and there...