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Video Zé Peixe - The extraordinary pilot from Port of Aracaju, Brazil
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Video Pilot boarding at Manila, Philippines
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Video The Maryland Pilots between 1950-1965 (a journey through time)
published on 26 March 2020
The Maryland Pilots have guided ships to and from Baltimore since the 1700's. They have been chartered as an organization since 1852. This is an edited except from films about the Pilots shot between 1950-1965 for the Port that Built a City and State. The original films are in the archives of the Baltimore Museum of Industry.
Video Norway’s $325 Million Ship Tunnel Gets Go Ahead
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Opinion Positioning of vessel at berth by using bridge wing gyro repeater
by Capt. Girish Chandra - published on 14 April 2020
Today I will discuss a very simple and useful practical trick often used by pilots.
When we have to berth a vessel with small clearances forward and aft (say 20 to 25 mtr fwd and aft) it is very essential that you are able to estimate your position. Now most of the time you have a berthing supervisor on jetty who will help you with position.