Job Offer

Entrepreneurial Marine Pilot

published on 9 February 2022 453 -

Atlantic Pilotage Authority
Voisey's Bay, Canada

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Video Tuban Port Maritime Pilot

published on 8 December 2021

Short story about the transformation of Tuban Pilot into Port Master.
And starting from here, the story about ships, ports & all activities at Tuban Port will begin...


Video Cork Pilot Boat ‘Failte’ Approaches Brittany Ferries ‘Pont-Aven’ During Cork Harbour Departure

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Article Houston Pilots Practice Part Art, Part Science in Guiding Ships to Port

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Maritime pilots trace the roots of their profession back to the ancient Greeks and Romans when incoming ship captains employed experienced local fisherman to guide their merchant vessels safely into port. It’s a legacy of skill, strength, and sharp wits, and our Houston Pilots (“Pilots”) have been meeting vessels at Galveston’s bar to carry on these proud traditions for just shy of 100 years.


Article Dispute among Italian pilots' associations continues

by ShipMag. - published on 7 July 2020

Bellomo (Unione Piloti) on “Reunification impossibile”


Article 4th Customer Day at NAUTITEC: A Day Full Of Inspirational Speeches And Lectures With The Opportunity To Network

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More than 90 guests from the european maritime cluster attended the 4th NAUTITEC Customer Day in Leer on 2nd June 2022, which was hosted by NAUTITEC and supported by the partners of the maritime campus, Faculty of maritime science Sciences Emden/Leer.


Article A Pilot named Ziggy from Ngqura (Africa)

published on 19 August 2020

Transnet National Ports Authority’s (TNPA) Port of Ngqura customers can count on experienced piloting services when their vessels are being moved in and out of the port. Ngqura boasts the services of Marine Pilot Ziggy (Siegfried) Duwe (62), who has achieved more than 4,000 ship movements in the last 12 years. He is the first pilot with this accomplishment in Algoa Bay, according to company records.


Video Falmouth Pilots: Working as Maritime Pilot (Documentary 2019)

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Video Interview with a Bar Pilot 2014 (Mississippi, USA)

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Article Port pilots of the Dominican Republic denounce the maritime trade law that violates their rights

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The National Association of pilots Port Pilots of the Dominican Republic denounced this Tuesday that the maritime trade bill, which is known in the Chamber of Deputies and approved by the Senate, violates their rights and violates the Constitution of the Republic.


Article Suez Canal chief hints ‘mistake’ by captain could be linked to Ever Given incident

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The chairman of the Suez Canal Authority has suggested a possible mistake by the captain of the Ever Given could have led to the grounding of the giant container ship in the waterway last month.