Job Offer

Operations Manager - for Marine Pilot Transfer (APG)

published on 14 March 2022 394 -

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Article Sandy Hook Pilot Timothy M. Murray lost his life while boarding a ship (08/05/2020)

by - published on 6 August 2020

On August 5, 2020 at approximately 10:30 pm, Sandy Hook Pilot Captain Timothy M. Murray was involved in an incident while boarding a tanker vessel inbound to the Port of New York & New Jersey. He sustained injuries after falling from a pilot ladder and was evacuated to a local hospital where his injuries proved to be fatal.


Article Kiel Pilots Operating on Emergency Basis

published on 3 June 2024

Since October, pilots from Kiel have been unable to use their offshore transfer station. Long detours and limited rest periods have complicated their workdays, with no end in sight.


Video SHIP HANDLING in Following Seas

published on 13 October 2020


Video Two Way Traffic (The Texas Chicken). Explained by Capt. Lou Vest

published on 22 October 2020

With ships as large as 175 feet wide and a channel a maximum of 500 feet wide, how to you safely pass? Former Houston ship channel pilot, Lou Vest, explains how ships fight against hydrodynamics to pass with such narrow margins.


Video How Pilots Cross Between Huge Ships In The Sea And The Danger Behind It

published on 1 July 2022

In today's episode, we continued to take a look at the different aspects of Aberdeen Harbor, including the divers, the pilots, as well as others who work in the harbor. Pilots are required to cross between ships in the sea while both ships are still running, while divers continue to work under the sea on the pipeline. In addition, a charity event is happening on Aberdeen's main street. -- Aberdeen Harbor, on the North East coast of Scotland, is one of Britain's oldest businesses and one of...


Video Maastricht MAERSK inbound Bremerhaven

published on 5 August 2020

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#pilot #sea #shipspotting #lifeatsea #sailor #bremerhaven #ship #container #containership #tug #seaman #seamanslife #maritime #passengership #navigator #mariner #mastermarina #shipstagramm #captain #dockingpilot #vessel #northsea #port #shipping #navigation #cruise #maersk #cargoship #shipping #merchantnavy


Video Pilots of the Veneto Estuary Port / Venezia

published on 18 February 2021

Found on YouTube. Created by "FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA PILOTI DEI PORTI". Originally pubished on 2021-02-18.


Video Maersk Saigon 332.01 meter - tribute to PTP Marine Pilot

published on 27 January 2021
