Job Offer

Senior Marine Pilot - Deputy Harbour Master

published on 14 July 2022 298 -

Southern Ports Authority
Kalgoorlie, Goldfields & Esperance, Australia

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Article AIS Hub for Pilot Boats - Eight Pilots simultaneously

by TRENZ GmbH - published on 30 May 2024

TRENZ VEGA - Up to eight pilots simultaneously shall be provided with an AIS data stream in a pilot boat with information for their next assignment.


Article Salt water runs deep in veins of Esperance marine pilot

by Carwyn Monck - published on 14 February 2024

Experiences from Australia: No two days are the same for a marine pilot in a busy port such as Esperance, but Mr MacAdie wouldn’t have it any other way.


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The Sabine Pilots who help ships navigate their way up and down our waterways officially have a new place to call home.


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Article New ProZero P-Top Model Launched

by - published on 30 April 2020

Tuco Marine Group has added the new 9,3-meter P-top design to the ProZero series.. The low-weight, semi-open design results in a faster workboat that has a larger operational range and extended working time on sea. The P-top features a protective P-top console solution and flexible seating arrangements which can accommodate up to 12 passengers or a full deck cargo.


Article The world's largest container ship "Ever Ace" completes its first transit through the Suez Canal

published on 16 October 2021

On August 28, the world's largest container ship completed its first crossing in the Suez Canal. Due to its huge size and this is the first voyage of the ship, it has received extra attention and special treatment from the Suez Canal Authority (SCA).


Video How a pilot gets off a fairly large ship

published on 4 July 2019

Departing a 159,000 tonne 274 metre long tanker at the Humber Pilot station


Video 2019 Marine Notice regarding pilot transfer arrangements

published on 3 June 2020

This video explains what is a Marine Notice and discusses the recently issued (2019) marine notice regarding pilot transfer arrangements.
Mariners appearing for oral examinations will benefit from watching this video.


Video Another female pilot in Singapore

published on 31 May 2021

Meanwhile, female pilots are more and more common.