Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 21 July 2022 323 -

PNG Ports Corporation Limited
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas accumsan ex lorem, ut consectetur tortor tempor vel. Integer lectus est, facilisis sit amet nisi ut, fringilla tincidunt ex. Fusce vulputate fringilla tortor, quis facilisis urna scelerisque id. Sed facilisis orci vel nibh euismod, et hendrerit ex fringilla. Integer pharetra erat a mattis volutpat. Proin aliquam leo in sem tincidunt, feugiat condimentum augue tristique. Donec ut vehicula sapien. Nam malesuada metus nec iaculis ultrices.

Fusce consectetur et lorem convallis commodo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ultricies dui nisl, in sagittis nisi ultrices sed. Nulla commodo sapien sed ultrices varius. Ut metus mi, vestibulum id ultrices nec, auctor sit amet augue. Nulla interdum dui vitae malesuada interdum. Ut in euismod massa.


Video Rough weather sea trials of ‘Port Láirge’ punching through breakers and offshore in F10

published on 3 November 2021

Here’s a cool little video of the rough weather sea trails of ‘Port Láirge’ The Port of Waterford’s new Interceptor 48 pilot boat ready to be delivered next week. We had two days of rough weather, a Force 8 with 3.5m seas putting up some surf breakers over the Daunt and a second day with winds reaching Force 10 offshore, with 55kts of wind and 5m swells, allowing us to properly test her capabilities ensuring she's fully fit for purpose for the pilots and crew. Doing so we captured some...


Video Belfast Pilot Boat Ben Madigan

published on 17 May 2022

This is the Ben Madigan pilot boat, one of the hard working fleet of Belfast Harbout pilot boats. ( I'm not sure but I believe this might be a Redbay Stormforce, built by Redbay boat builders at Cushendll. )
These fast, sturdy, boats have to ferry Belfast pilots out to large vessels coming in to Belfast harbour. Piloted vessels range from large tankers, bulk carriers, container ships, ferries and cruise liners, right down to barges and fishing boats. Not only this, Belfast Harbour pilots...


Video Geneviève Béchard | The Digital Transformation of Canadian Hydrographic Offices

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Presented at the Lakebed 2030 Conference in 2021
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Article Port of Oakland welcomes biggest ship ever this week

by - published on 19 April 2020

Coronavirus may be hampering global trade but it hasn't broken the supply chain at the Port of Oakland. The latest evidence: the largest ship ever to call in Oakland arrives this week. The container vessel MSC Anna is scheduled to berth at the Port April 16.

The ship will tie up at Oakland International Container Terminal on the Oakland Estuary. The Port said that the 1,312-foot-long vessel is on special assignment from Geneva-based shipping line MSC. It’s collecting a backlog of empty containers in Southern California before arriving in Oakland. It’s scheduled to spend 24 hours here discharging import containers and loading exports.


Article Book “Remote Pilotage” by Antti Rinkinen

published on 7 January 2022

Finland's first remote pilotage of a cargo ship will take place at the beginning of 2022. The first remote pilotage permits may be issued in 2025.


Video Maritime Pilot Indonesia

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Article Maritime Pilots’ Risky Operational Behavior Analysis Based on Structural Equation Model

published on 12 October 2022

In this paper, a maritime pilots’ risky behaviour related factors questionnaire is designed to identify and quantify the factors of maritime pilots’ risky operational behaviour.


Video Inbound with CHIOS LUCK 188m, to Waalhaven Buoy 29

published on 28 June 2022

Video by Capt. Pilot Herman Broers, Netherlands.
Inbound with CHIOS LUCK 188m, to Waalhaven Buoy 29 for discharging woodchips from Mobile Alabama. #loodswezen #portofrotterdam


Video Mindfulness in Shipping Webinar

published on 24 July 2020

In this webinar, Rev. David Reid, AFNI looks at why we need to learn this skill and put it to work to promote safety at sea and the wellbeing of our colleagues. Are we mind full or mindful?