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Become a maritime pilot in Greenland

published on 30 September 2022 1060 -


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Opinion Five questions for Thomas Bøggild, Project and quality manager, Greenland Pilot Service

published on 11 January 2021

In our new new section “Five questions for ..." introduces pilots and other market players to our readers in short interviews.

Today we have talked to Thomas Bøggild, Project and quality manager, Greenland Pilot Service.


Video Disembarking of Danpilot at Skagen V73

published on 15 June 2020

Enjoy the tour from Bridge to Pilot ladder, disembarking of Danpilot.


Video Poseidon pilot boat - scale model RC boat

published on 17 June 2021

Poseidon on the model boat pond in Vallensbæk, Denmark.
Poseidon is a pilot boat based on a kit but modified to match the real pilot boat "Poseidon". The entire super structure is scratch built with very detailed interior that this video doesn't do justice. The real boat is based in Hornbæk, Denmark. The builder has made many visits to this boat to get all the details right.
Builder and owner: Ole Bødker
Link to Vallensbæk model boat club (Danish):


Video Maritime Pilot•Haluan Kapal

published on 10 August 2022


Article London Port Authority: Record year for pilotage

by Port of London Authority - published on 13 January 2022

By the end of this year, our sea pilots are set to have undertaken a record number of pilotage acts. The total number is set to exceed 10,700, with almost 99% of the acts completed without delay.


Video Pilot Boat on Galveston channel

published on 2 March 2022

LEIGH ANN MORAN - Towing Vessel and the YELLOW ROSE - Pilot Vessel


Video Goodchild Marine Services ORC 171 Pilot Boat

published on 23 July 2021

The latest ORC 171 to leave the yard in June 2021



by - published on 8 June 2020

Recently, Svitzer took an important step towards strengthening its presence in Africa by signing a five-year contract with Nacala Logistics in Mozambique for harbour towage, occasional pilot transfer and potential salvage work in the port of Nacala. At the same time, Svitzer also secured a five-year extension of its current contract with Egyptian LNG assisting the land-based Idku LNG plant with four tugs, two mooring boats and one pilot boat.


Video Pilot boarding in the ice

published on 4 July 2019

by Finnpilot Pilotage Oy
Luotsi nousee Perämerellä talvella alukseen ja poistuu aluksesta


Video Hvasser Pilot Station, Norway

published on 16 November 2020

The pilot boat in Hvasser is going to pick up a pilot from a tank ship.