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Marine Pilot

published on 11 April 2023 677 -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Lyndon Clark - Marine Pilot, discusses his experience, adblue shortage and more

published on 19 January 2022

Lyndon Clark - Marine Pilot, responsible for conning some of the largest ships in the world and safely docking them into Sydney Harbour, familiar with risk analysis, hazard identification and critical decision making, will discuss his experiences over the past 2 years, and some other information regarding adblue, and some possible solutions to protect your families as well.


Video SWIRE new ship SUVA CHIEF, dangerous swaying rope ladder for pilot disembark

published on 3 April 2021

For viewers not familiar with the Swire name, the company is a big conglomerate group with businesses in trading, property and aviation (Cathay Pacific) 00:00 SUVA CHIEF, new ship from Swire Shipping, outbound Hong Kong 太古船務的新船 00:20 the ship is running on the North Asia Express (NAX) routing. 新船負責在北亞快運(NAX)航線 01:15 MSC Venice asking why Suva Chief is slow, and the pilot boat still waiting 後面的船 MSC Venice 問為什麼 Suva Chief 在減速 04:15 Pilot finally leaves the bridge tower 領航員終於離開了橋塔 06:...


Video Wind pure drift encounter - practical experiments for getting useful data

published on 8 July 2022

How to get information for wind & current limits to be potentially encountered by thrusters – or current? - this will be described in this movie:
- Measure Drift speed, due to beam wind with no propulsion;
- Measure drift speed using full thrusters
- Estimate wind & current limits to be potentially encountered by thrusters – or current...
- Finally there is a simple formula as Rule of Thumb: the transverse drift speed is about 7-8% of wind speed!


Opinion Should the Captain go down with the ship?

by Melvin Mathews - published on 10 November 2020

At one point, the Captain on the Ship while being highly respected, also carried great responsibility and had the ultimate accountability for everything on board. But this respect, responsibility and accountability has not come overnight, or just when the Captain wears his four stripes.


Video Humber Maritime College Simulator Tour

published on 21 October 2020

At Humber Maritime College we have state-of-the-art marine simulators to teach our Merchant Navy cadets in an environment close to reality, preparing them for a career at sea.


Article Virginia Pilots Order Harbor Launch from Gladding-Hearn

published on 14 March 2022

The Virginia Pilot Association has ordered a high-speed, harbor pilot boat from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation. It’s the pilots’ tenth launch built by the Somerset, Mass., shipyard. Delivery is scheduled for mid-2023.


Article Innovative crew transfer vessel with suspension system by Wallaby Boats

published on 26 April 2021

The innovative and newly set up ship builder Wallaby Boats GmbH (WB), based in Kappeln,
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, has decided in the investment to build the world’s first crew transfer
vessel/daughter craft (CTV/DC) with a suspension system.


Video Pilot Boat Altair

published on 17 March 2022



Article Tampa Bay ship pilots raise concerns over safety guidelines

by Courtesy "Tampa Bay Times" - published on 21 June 2024

The pilots say that Port Tampa Bay leadership is leaning on them to change policies in ways they say would be less safe.


Opinion Master pilot exchange (MPEX) – share your information

by Gard AS - published on 4 September 2020

The Master and pilot are dependant on each other for a safe and successful beginning or end of a voyage. They are both operating in a foreign environment.