"Angostura Inglesa" is, without a doubt, the most important natural obstacle in navigating the South American channels, as it is a winding step that requires two changes of course close to 90 °, subject to a tidal regime and Considerable currents, which is also affected by the frequent bad times of the Gulf of Penas, forces sailors to face it with caution and take adequate security measures.
"Angostura Inglesa" is, without a doubt, the most important natural obstacle in navigating the South American channels, as it is a winding step that requires two changes of course close to 90 °, subject to a tidal regime and Considerable currents, which is also affected by the frequent bad times of the Gulf of Penas, forces sailors to face it with caution and take adequate security measures.
Opinion Comment of Harry Klenner: Harbour pilots and climate change
by Marine-Pilots.com - published on 16 June 2020
Comment of Harry Klenner (Presidente de la Asociación Chilena de Prácticos de Puerto): Nowadays, apart from having to take measures to avoid contagion with the Covid-19, port pilots have to consider another factor that has become present on the planet and which, by the way, our country has not been unaware of.
Video Practico Abordo 2020/ Pilot On Board
published on 24 August 2020
Trabajo que realiza el Sr, Práctico en Atraque y Desatraque de naves Mercantes a Puerto , Monoboya Quintero . Multiboyas y Pilotaje en los canales del Sur de Chile hasta Punta Arenas.
Work done by the Pilot.on board in mooring and undocking of Merchant ships to port. Monoboya Quintero .Multibuy and pilotage in the channels of the South of Chile to Punta Arenas.