Article ARANSAS PILOT III – Pilot Boat for Port Aransas, Texas
by Baird Maritime - published on 2 September 2022
Opinion Sea Trials in Stroms at the Entrance to Cork Habour
by Safehaven Marine - published on 3 March 2020
The entrance to Cork Harbour situated on the South coast of Ireland can produce some pretty extreme sea states during the winter storm months. There are two main factors that influence the sea state at the entrance, the first being the ebbing tide, the second being shoaling waters over the Harbour Rock, this is situated at the entrance to the Harbour off Roches Point lighthouse, right in the middle between the Western and Eastern channel entrances.
Article Cromarty Firth Port Authority (CFPA) is seeking for new pilot boats
by - published on 17 April 2020
Cromarty Firth Port Authority (CFPA) is seeking a contractor to build and deliver a new pilot vessel as part of a major project to upgrade its fleet of vessels. The contract for the work is currently being put out to tender and interested parties are encouraged to apply before the deadline of 8 May, 17.00.
Video Pilot boat in Karachi harbour
published on 27 October 2020
Article New pilot boat delivered to Spain's Port of Ferrol
by Baird Maritime - published on 9 September 2024
Article Gladding-Hearn Delivers Sixth High-Speed Launch to Delta Pilots
by - published on 15 July 2020
Delta Launch Services, the operating company for the Associated Branch pilots on the SW Pass of the Mississippi, has taken delivery of a new pilot boat from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation. This is the sixth St. John’s Class launch built for the Delta pilots by the Somerset, Mass. shipyard.
Video Rodman 21, el modelo más compacto de la gama de embarcaciones de prácticos de Rodman.
published on 8 April 2021
Video Storm Agnes and pilot boat Safehaven Marine
published on 11 October 2023
Here’s a nice little video of rough weather sea trials that coincided with ‘Storm Agnes’ last week in the Interceptor 48 pilot boat ‘Svitzer Oued Laou’. The storm produced some pretty big waves at the entrance to Cork Harbour, and strong winds during the height of the storm. We managed to capture some cool footage from Roches PT lighthouse. It was fairly rough, although by not coinciding with the ebbing tide conditions aboard were quite comfortable, and our Pilot 48 handled it effortlessly...
Article Pilot ladders - bits and pieces and a bit of testing
by Capt. Troy Evans - published on 14 October 2020
Article 2 MOL-operated Vessels Earn 2021 'Best Quality Ship Awards'
published on 4 July 2022
TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto) today announced that the Japan Federation of Pilots' Association (JFPA) (Note 1) has presented its Best Quality Ship Award for fiscal year (FY) 2021 to two MOL-operated vessels—the LNG carrier LNG SATURN and the bulk carrier TAIYO.