
Nova Pilot Boat in Saint John Harbour

published on 6 October 2020 224 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Clay Shannon".
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
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Video Pilot Transfer - New Zealand (Auckland) & Australia (Melbourne/Fremantle)

published on 21 October 2021

Spotted some Pilot Boats in the Port of Auckland, New Zealand and Melbourne & Fremantle Australia (Port codes: Auckland:NZ AKL ; Melbourne:AU MEL ; Fremantle:AU FRE).


Video Dongara Marine Custom Boatbuilding Diversity 2023

published on 6 November 2023

Compilation clip highlighting some of the diverse custom boats Dongara Marine has built in recent years.


Video Pilot Leaving Ship Vigo

published on 31 March 2023


Video San Ciprian’s new Interceptor 42 pilot boat ‘San Cibrao’ during rough weather sea trials.

published on 28 May 2020

Here’s a nice video of the rough weather sea trials of San Ciprian’s new Interceptor 42 Pilot boat ‘San Ciprano’. With the Covid-19 travel restrictions in place and the Guys from San Ciprian unable to fly here at present we’re having to do a remote ‘on-line handover’. So we made this video to give them every confidence that she is performing well, as she handled comfortably the stormy conditions prevailing on the South Coast of Ireland last Friday nicely, with winds of 50kts at the entrance...


Video Pilot Boat / Life of Cebu Pilot

published on 21 March 2022

#pilotboat #speedboat #cebucity


Video Virginia Pilots Rely on Volvo Penta IPS Propulsion

published on 4 December 2020

The new 56-ft. Virginia Pilots launch is powered by a pair of Volvo Penta D13 700 hp EPA Tier 3 engines matched with IPS-3 steerable pod drives with forward-facing counter-rotating props. The propulsion system includes Volvo Penta’s EVC electronic steering and control system with a three-axis joystick. Top speed is 33+ knots.


Video Pilot boarding MV ARKLOW MARSH in Spain (San Ciprian)

published on 4 September 2022

Pilot boat build by Safehaven Marine


Video New pilot boat for Southwest Alaska Pilots Association

published on 8 April 2020

Southwest Alaska Pilots Association’s new Gladding and Hearn built, C Raymond Hunt designed pilot boat disembarks Capt. Ron Ward at Bligh Reef Pilot Station in Prince William Sound, Alaska March 2020


Video ETA and EMPA Efficient and safe towage operations

published on 31 August 2022

The European Tugowners Association in collaboration with the European Maritime Pilots Association has produced this informative video on efficient and safe towage operations. These guidelines address the main factors affecting the safety of harbour towage operations such as good communications between pilots, ship captains and tugmasters.


Video History: Trinity House Buoys (1966)

published on 18 May 2020

Harwich, Essex. Several shots of buoys at a warehouse on the quay. Various shots show the Trinity House Vessel 'Siren' setting out to sea to carry out maintenance on buoys; a naval flag showing the Union Jack and the Trinity House Jack is hoisted; officers are seen using sextants and plotting their course on a chart. Nice M/S of a sailor tying on a life jacket. Sailors drop anchor beside a buoy, hoist weather balloons and ring bells on the ship. The buoy is cleaned of mussels and limpets...