
Pemanduan, Kapal RORO Fajar Bahari VI, Stasiun Pandu Muara Jungkat, Tongkang bermuatan curah. (3)

published on 30 October 2020 97 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Pilot Station".
Inbound Vessel Passing Jungkat Pilot Station. 
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Video Review singkat|PILOT BOAT Christina 98|| pelaut indonesia di Muara,Brunei

published on 27 February 2022

Video review singkat di pilot boat christina 98 di jetty MPA Muara Brunei Darussalam. #pelautindonesia #BruneiDarussalam #PilotBoat Song: Abandoned & GalaxyTones - Luna (Feat. DNAKM) [Mendum Remix] [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch:


Video Laju Pilot Boat , Amamapare Timika

published on 14 August 2020

kali ini kita belum mancing, namun di video kali ini kita akan berbagai pengalaman, bagaimana laju PILOT BOAT melaju di Port AMAMAPARE .
pada dasarya, Pilot boat yaitu di fungsikan untuk melayani PILOT atau Pandu....meski demikian Alhamdulillah, kali ini kita di berikan kesempatan untuk menaikinya,,,,MANTAP


Video A Day in the Life of a Marine Pilot (Australia)

published on 18 March 2024

As an island nation, over 98% of Australia’s trade moves through ports. At the heart of the trade supply chain are the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) marine pilots. These highly skilled maritime professionals make sure the vessels carrying goods through our ports travel safely and efficiently. Take a look at a day in the life of an NQBP marine pilot at one of Queensland’s multi-commodity ports, the Port of Mackay. Read more


Video Handling a mid size container ship

published on 26 June 2020

"Mizar" is a 165 LOA containership, which follows a liner route between the caribbean and the US.
It has a fixed pitch propeller and a bow thruster, which makes it easier to handle. This maneuver consisted of basically just pulling her off the dock and then doing a 160 turn.


Video Perjalanan Penuh Tantangan Maritime Pilot - Ep 23

published on 18 October 2020

Mungkin banyak sebagian dari kita masih asing dengan istilah Maritime Pilot . Padahal masa depan profesi ini sangat cerah. Kedepannya profesi ini sangat dibutuhkan baik di dunia pelayaran domestik dan internasional.
Untuk mendapatkan keahlian memandu kapal ternyata harus melalui beberapa tahap yang cukup panjang dan penuh tantangan.Simak pula perjalanan karir Capt. Akhmad Syaiful Salim sampai menjadi seorang Mariime pilot yang berhasil.
Semoga menjadi insiprasi generasi muda Indonesia....


Video Unberthing of a 23,000 gross tons tanker

published on 22 June 2020

The "Navig8 Axinite" is a 184 meter tanker. It is in loaded conditions. two tugs are used. The maneuver consists of backing out using 2 tugs and the ship´s engine, for about 2 and a half ship´s lenghts an then turning to port. After the turn, you can hear me talking with the captain about passing arrangements with an inbound vessel, (another tanker).


Opinion Bow Truster Effect on Ship's Headway

by Capt. Hugues Cauvier - published on 14 July 2022

When the bow thruster has been in operation for a while, pilots often notice that the ship not only turns but also gains speed. But why is this? Opinion by Capt. Hugues Cauvier.


Article China: 200 pilots have been quarantined

published on 3 January 2022

Vessels are being stranded at ports on the river due to the lack of pilots and the line-up of vessels forced to wait in the anchorage outside the estuary is increasing rapidly. Owners are unclear how long the problem will last