
Pilotos Prácticos del Pacífico S.A.S / Pacific Pilot's S.A.S (Versión Extendida Inglés)

published on 13 January 2021 149 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Pilotos Del Pacifico SAS".
Pilotos Prácticos del Pacífico S.A.S / Pacific Pilot's S.A.S (Versión Extendida Inglés)
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Opinion Five questions for Jason Ranston, Business Manager at eMPX

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Video PortStories Loodswezen

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"Discover the Port of Rotterdam with Port Reporter Dave | Short behind-the-scenes excursions | Mainport Rotterdam | Today: Pilotage"
In this video, port reporter Dave van der Wal takes you on a unique behind-the-scenes excursion of Europe's largest port. Commissioned by the Educational Information Centre Mainport Rotterdam, Dave visits various companies in the port and gives you an insight into the fascinating world of the maritime industry. Discover the innovative technologies and...


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Video Pilot boat Lesath in rough sea brings pilot to Container ship

published on 28 September 2021

The pilot boat Lesath brings the harbor pilot to the Allegro. It was windy and the sea was rough, the conditions where not extremely, but the boarding is not whitout risk.
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Shipspotting Rotterdam,


Video Safe boarding of vessels

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Video 8 Hours in Kaohsiung, Taiwan

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Follow me as I travel around the world working on a container ship!
The mega container ship is alongside Kaohsiung for one day, I had 8 hours off between my watch, so i took the opportunity to explore Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Brought along my drone to take some shots at the beautiful architecture that Taiwan has to offer.


Article Roberto Bunicci new President of Fedepiloti

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Commander Roberto Bunicci, chief pilot of the Port of Ravenna's Pilots' Guild and already Vice President in office, is the new President of the Italian Federation of Port Pilots.


Video Entry Mangalia Shipyard

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Article The first female maritime pilot in Brest (France), Vicky Herault

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