
Combinations Ladders: "1,000 combinations around" (by Arie Palmers)

by Arie Palmers, Netherlands - published on 13 July 2020 366 -

pictures and article by Arie Palmers

Dear reader,

Before you, you see my third article on pilot boarding arrangements. After my two previous articles
(‘1000 ways to secure a pilot ladder’ and ‘1000 ladders around’, I have received a lot of feedback and
also questions to get deeper into the matter of combinations and embarkation platforms.
Since the last two articles were published a lot has happened, more and more shipping companies as
well as pilot associations worldwide are getting more aware of pilot boarding safety issues and the
way to get pilot boarding arrangements safe and compliant. As you might know, sometimes it is a
very easy fix.

Concerning embarkation platforms… to get them compliant it often takes more effort: some
constructional features must be changed; class agencies will have to approve etc. etc. but the costs
to get it right will not be that high.. In this next article I would like to show you the rights and wrongs
of these pilot boarding arrangements and what can be done to make them compliant as easy as

In the next chapters we will also, as in the previous articles, get into the rules and I’ll try to explain as
good as possible what is correct and what is not correct, of course illustrated with pictures out of my
own database and from the database of facebook’s “dangerousladders”.

In this article names of shipping companies/ships and manufacturers will only be displayed for
educational purposes, it’s not my goal to favor or bash around any company.
Hope you will enjoy reading this article!!

Arie Palmers

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