
Cielo di Iyo met by Harbor Pilot

published on 20 January 2021 155 -

Found on YouTube.
In early December, just as I was starting to get into ship spotting, I saw a couple of vessels headed up river towards Philly. One of them, the Cielo di Iyo met with the harbor pilot right as I had my drone up. I was able to capture the Pilot coming to meet the vessel and CLIMBING the ladder to get on board just before she passed beneath the Walt Whitman Bridge.
Delaware River, Philadelphia , USA
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Video Pilot Boat "Petrel" (River Mersey)

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Video Kittiwake Mersey Pilot

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Article What is a SWASH pilot boat? What's the difference to the SWATH technology?

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Article British maritime partnerships see the delivery of ‘Ouse’, the new pilot vessel delivered to Associated British Ports.

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As a British supplier of driveline and propulsion solutions into the UK market, MIT was delighted to be involved in the 9 million pound investment into the industry by Associated British Ports (ABP) for a fleet of new pilot vessels to be built and supplied by Goodchild Marine Services Limited.


Video New Pilot Boat for sale (Instanbul/Turkey)

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