
Berthing Unberthing

published on 7 February 2021 107 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Seafarer's Life". Originally published on 2021-02-06.

Video taken year 2016 in china
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Video Different methods of steering, navigating and maneuvering the Celebrity Edge

published on 3 January 2022

HOW WE DRIVE- Different methods of steering, navigating and maneuvering the Celebrity Edge, a 130,818 gross ton, 306 meter, $1.2 billion dollar new luxury liner. When we’re underway and I walk around the ship and guest's see the Captain, the question I get asked ALL. THE. TIME is “If you’re here, who is driving the ship”. The answer is the Officer of the Watch. We have a minimum of 3 very qualified and licensed officers manning the bridge at ALL times. 3 separate teams rotate every 4...


Video Airkeel stabilizer test on a Prozero boat from Tuco Marine

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In July 2021 DACOMA launched a new EU project: AMCOSTAR. Amcostar is a Eurostars/Eureka Network funded Eurostars project on Adaptive Control of Airkeel vessel stabilizer systems. The consortium partners, DACOMA ApS in Svendborg (DK), Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg (DK), and Automasjon & Data AS in Stavanger (NOR) and Tuco Marine ApS - ProZero Workboats (DK) in Faaborg, will optimize, test, and demonstrate an adaptively controlled Airkeel stabilizer on a...


Article Investigation of ship maneuvering with hydrodynamic effects between ship and bank

by - published on 12 July 2021

When a vessel navigates in confined waters, such as in a harbour or narrow channel, it is well known among experienced pilots that the ship handling is greatly affected by the hydrodynamic forces and moments acting between ship and bank or sidewall of the channel.


Video Pilot change

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Pilot change at vicinity of trio's river upbound to montreal


Video Risk Involved When Unmooring Operation on Deck

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Risk Involved When Unmooring Operation on Deck


Article The first female maritime pilot in Brest (France), Vicky Herault

published on 9 November 2021

Congratulations: Vicky Hérault becomes the first female maritime pilot in the port of Brest (France) in Oct 2021.


Video Forth Tiger Pilot Boat

published on 24 August 2021

FORTH TIGER (MMSI: 235001096) is a Pilot Vessel and is sailing under the flag of United Kingdom.
Her length overall (LOA) is 18 meters and her width is 4 meters.
Good for Nothing Safety by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.