
Wind drift making headway - practical experiments for voyage planning and Rule of Thumb

published on 7 April 2021 254 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ISSIMS - Innovative Ship Simulation". Originally published on 2021-03-08.
Here are described some experiments to get data for voyage planning:
- how to measure wind effects and prepare ship specific diagrams to estimate required drift angles and also rudder angles for wind balance
- to be applied for voyage planning, considering expected operational conditions, specifically for preparing manoeuvring plans for Port arrival and departure planning!
- analysing theses data a simple formula could be derived to calculate the drift angle ß depending on absolute wind speed VA, encounter angle aA and ship speed Vs to:
ß= arctan (CD*(VA +Vs*cos aA)*sin aA)/Vs)
And all this is demonstrated by means of the unique SAMMON Planning software based on Fast Time Simulation of ship manoeuvres...
Enjoy, share and give some thumbs up, if you are satisfied with the movie - and my haircut!
Knud Benedict

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Mr Sean O’Toole ABP - Associated British Ports, United Kingdom
on 7 April 2021, 16:13 UTC

In my experience, a ship moving ahead, rudder amidships, the ship will develop a rate of turn into the wind. However the first manoeuvre on this simulator with rudder midships does not show this, in fact no RoT at all. Quite often at work, I will tell the bridge team I am about to start a turn to starboard/port, order midships and then try to crack a joke about the ship has been here before and knows where to go!!


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