
Registerloods in Amsterdam-IJmond - Nederlands Loodswezen

published on 1 October 2021 120 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "WerkbijhetLoodswezen". Originally published on 2018-02-26.
Arjen is registerloods in de regio Amsterdam-IJmond. Een registerloods is een adviseur van een schip. Goed of slecht weer; het werk van een loods gaat altijd door. Daarbij is interactie tussen mensen een belangrijk onderdeel als je registerloods bent. Arjen vertelt waarom hij dit wilde worden en hoe het werken in de haven er aan toe gaat. Ook laat hij zien wat je allemaal tegenkomt op een loodsreis Wil je meer weten over het beroep van loods? Bekijk dan de film.
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Video Kittiwake Mersey Pilot

published on 22 December 2021

KITTIWAKE ( MMSI 232008570) is a Pilot and currently sailing under the flag of United Kingdom (UK) Here she is speeding down the River this morning.


Video Pilot Leaving Ship Vigo

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Video Polaris Pilot Boat Antwerp Belgium

published on 15 March 2022

Vessel name: Polaris ; Year built: 2012 ; Flag: Netherlands ; Homeport: Rotterdam Length: 81.2m X 13.3m ; GRT: 2501 ; Callsign: PBZN ; MMSI:245142000 ; IMO: 9496915 Type: Special Vessel / Pilot Ship A "Pilot Ship / Pilot Vessel" is a "special type" of ship in which it accommodates a certain and limited Marine Pilots (Sea, River, Harbor Pilots), it also carries small boats/crafts that are used to tender services to and from the Pilot ship. In a Pilot Vessel, the Pilots can take their time...


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Article Predicting Maritime Pilot Selection with Personality Traits

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Video #Vlog 005 by Mr. Pilot

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• Berthing: • #VLCC • LOA : 33m • Max dr : 20m • Pilot : @capt_haitham • Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦


Video Official video: 74a Assemblea nazionale Fedepiloti, Italy

published on 27 April 2021

Great image video of the Italian pilots (Federazione Italiana Piloti dei Porti).


Video Praticagem faz teste no canal dragado de Vitória

published on 25 May 2020

Primeiro teste da nova profundidade do canal de Vitória (ES). Os práticos Evandro Oliveira Daquino e Rafael Amorim Sobreira realizaram a manobra de saída de navio com 11 metros de calado. Ambos participaram do estudo prévio realizado no Tanque de Provas Numérico da USP. O prático Fabio Andrade Batista dos Santos também esteve presente na faina, sem ônus, como avaliador. Ele fez todos os registros da manobra, como a menor profundidade medida ao longo do canal etc.


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