
River Bann Pilots

published on 28 July 2022 44 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "darkfort55". Originally published on 2022-07-27.
River Bann pilots transfer from Athos to pilot vessel Ulidia at Barmouth, River Bann. N. Ireland
Bann, United Kingdom
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Article Maritime Compliance: USCG Policy – Master Pilot eXchange (MPX) Vs Engine Power Limiter (EPL) and the use of a Shaft Power Limiter (SHaPoLi)

by - published on 30 May 2024

Article by We'd like to bring to your attention the USCG Policy Letter 01-24, which provides “Guidance regarding devices that alter maneuvering characteristics of ships to ensure safe operation in waters of the United States”.


Video EfficientFlow - STM in ports and narrow waters

published on 22 September 2020

Improved traffic flow converts waiting times into increased safety and bunker savings for large ships in the narrow Swedish and Finnish archipelagos.
Found on YouTube. Created by "Sjöfartsverket".
In the STM EfficientFlow project, the Baltic ports of Rauma and Gävle implement efficient port calls using real-time information. Improved traffic flow converts waiting times into increased safety and bunker savings for large ships in the narrow Swedish and Finnish archipelagos.


Video Maritime Pilotage in Turkiye

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Video Batangas Harbor Pilot PCC Undocking Maneuver

published on 28 June 2020

Video by Capt.Harold Janda


Video Official video: 74a Assemblea nazionale Fedepiloti, Italy

published on 27 April 2021

Great image video of the Italian pilots (Federazione Italiana Piloti dei Porti).


Video Golden Ray Salvage 1st Section Cut: 11/29/2020

published on 1 December 2020

They finally completed cutting the 1st section (the bow) and transported it via barge to Brunswick Ga. The Golden Ray (a vehicle ship) capsized on 9/8/2019 and is being cut and dismantled to remove it from St Simons Channel, St Simons Island Ga. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos.


Video Marine Pilot Transfer by Helicopter

published on 2 March 2021

The transfer of Marine Ship’s Pilots by helicopter hoist is a demanding task. These 24/7, severe weather missions require detailed training in all phases of the operations and focus on the “team’s” capabilities is essential in all phases of the operations and focus on the “team’s” capabilities is essential.


Video Pilot Boat Taipei

published on 27 November 2021

off Taipei, bit choppy seas


Video Maritime Pilot Cosco Busan ep2

by Dr. Captain Ahmed Sati - published yesterday

Welcome aboard, fellow maritime enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a voyage into the intricate world of ship types. From massive container ships to nimble oil tankers, we'll explore the unique challenges each vessel presents. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a curious landlubber, our channel will guide you through the fascinating diversity of the ships that navigate our seas. Join us as we delve into the design, function, and complexities of these maritime marvels. Don't forget to like,...


Video Pilot Boat "Ocean Pearl" from Pakistan

published on 16 June 2021

Pilot boat
#Sealife #Seaman