
Pilots boarding CMA CGM LEO inbound to Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

published on 4 November 2021 280 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "The Nautical Nerd". Originally published on 2021-11-03.
#halifax #halifaxnovascotia #novascotia #canada #pilotboat #ship #shipping #sailor #sailorslife #seafarer #seafarers #lifeatsea #nautical #boat #ocean #atlanticocean #ships #marinepilot #sea #containership
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Video The pilot boat "Nova Pilot" heading out from her berth in Halifax, Canada

published on 5 April 2020

Fount on YouTube. Created by Charlotte Katherine
The pilot boat "Nova Pilot" heading out from her berth.
#Halifax #4k #NovaScotia


Video Pilot leaves the Regent Seven Seas Navigator at Halifax

published on 12 August 2020

Pilot leaves the Regent Seven Seas Navigator at Halifax


Video Pilot boarding Auto Carrier Halifax Harbour

published on 12 October 2020

Pilot boarding the Auto Carrier Mediterranean Highway inbound to Halifax Harbour.
Editors note:
"The pilot's greatest enemy is often the pilot himself: Please do not carry a backpack together with your life jacket! The backpack can massively hinder the deployment and the effect of the lifejacket!"
#pilotboarding #pilotboat #pilotboats #halifax #marinepilot #maritimepilot #nautical #boat #boats #sailors #novascotia #ocean #canada #ship #ships #halifaxharbour #pilots


Video Climbing Pilot Ladder - 360° video in all directions

by River Pilot Kris De Decker - published on 5 October 2022

Editors note: Great video with a brilliant technique: Move your phone while watching and see the different angles of the full 360 degree view. Amazing!
A big thank you to Kris de Decker.


Video Magnet Holder - Gangway/Pilot Ladder Fixing Equ. (from Korea Ocean Tech)

published on 4 July 2019

SOLAS/IMO/IMPA Regulations require additional safety measurements for pilot's boarding and disembarkation since recently. These magnetic holders of two types, one is manually set and the other is a remotely controlled one, fixes both pilot ladder and accommodation ladder (gangway) strongly onto the hull of the ship. Thus, the pilot can climb more safely. We are negotiating with ISO, IMO, IMPA etc in order to standardize these items for pilot safety.


Video Pilot Boarding Ship in Extreme Weather condition

published on 2 August 2021

Pilot boarding Spirit of Tasmania ship from Pilot Boat- Epic scene as in movies
#Spirit of Tasmania
#Bass strait channel


Video Florida Harbor Pilot Boarding Submarine

published on 6 July 2019

A Florida Harbor Pilot encountering the pilot pilot ladder of a submarine. First harbor pilots must make their way offshore through rough seas to a vessel desiring their expertise to safely enter port. Next harbor pilots must negotiate the dangerous boarding accommodations to embark on vessels of every type. Next, the real work begins by using years of experience and centuries of knowledge passed down through the rigorous training process, to safely guide vessels in and out of Florida's...


Article Shareable Survey "Boarding and Landing Arrangements for Pilots" by Ewan Rattray

by - published on 26 August 2020

This survey on pilot ladder safety was initiated by Ewan Rattray. It is supported and recommended by well-known heads of the #dangerousladders Facebook group like Kevin Vallance, Arie Palmers and others.


Video Losingsforsøk Rekefjord / Maritime pilotage 02 07 2016

published on 26 September 2020

Spektakulært forsøk. Vanskelig losoppdrag. Svært fartøy. Trang fjordpassasje. #Kystverket #lostjenesten #sikkerseilas/ Spectacular attempt. Demanding maritime pilotage. Huge vessel. Narrow passage. #norwegaincoastaladministration #safeseaways