
Pilotage in Malaysia

published on 27 January 2022 22 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Rawa Rawa pilot". Originally published on 2022-01-27.
#Sungai siak
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Opinion The last day of service for Brisbane Marine Pilots

by Brisbane Marine Pilots - published on 31 December 2021

As the sun comes up on the last day of 2021, the last shipping day for Brisbane Marine Pilots, our pilots out on the water serving the Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd, as they have done every day since 1st January 1989.


Opinion What value do 10K+ Professionals add to Safety of Manoeuvres

by CAPTAIN REGINALDO PANTOJA - published on 29 September 2022

According to many training experts, including Malcom Gladwell, from his book Outliers: Story of Success, 10.000 hours is the point in which a standard professional acquires the qualities necessary to perform any work with master skill.


Video Houston pilots on duty: The story of the rescue of two fishermen on 31 March 2022.

published on 13 September 2022

Watch and listen as Houston Pilots and the crew of the HOUSTON pilot boat tell the story.


Video Look at Life - Report on a River - The River Thames - 1963

published on 18 March 2021

Look at Life - Report on a River - The River Thames - 1963, UK
This video is in the Look at Life series - Volume One - Transport and shows the River Thames from its source to the sea. In the hey-day of British Shipping and what has been done and looking to the future to modernize the port services to keep the traffic moving.


Video TasPorts | Marine Pilots and Marine Operatives

published on 15 November 2020

Have you ever wanted to watch a marine pilot in action? Last night, TasPorts was delighted to offer up for auction a pilot boat experience to support Cancer Council Tasmania's 25th Anniversary Gala in Launceston. A second experience will be offered at the Cancer Council Tasmania Gala in Hobart next month. Both events raise funds to support Tasmanians dealing with cancer through advocacy, prevention, support and research. This video was filmed in 2018 (pre-COVID), was broadcast at last...


Article Baltic Workboats' PILOT 15 WP has won a Small Pilot Boat Award for 2019

by - published on 29 January 2020

Baltic Workboats have won under the category of "Best Small Pilot Boat" the Best builder of a Small Pilot Boat Award for 2019 for their model PILOT 15 WP.


Article Report on Safe Tug Procedures

by Captain Henk Hensen (Marine Consultant) - published on 6 February 2020

Based on Pilot, Tug Master and Ship Captain Questionnaires

Compiled by:

Captain Henk Hensen FNI FITA Captain Daan Merkelbach FITA Captain F. van Wijnen MNI


Article Send us links of interesting articles

by - published on 21 August 2019

If you wrote an interesting article yourself or made great photos or video recordings that you would like to make permanently accessible to the large Marine Pilots Community here, send it to us!


Article Pilot Embarkation platforms

by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 17 December 2019

During the transit time on the pilot launch between the shore and the vessel, marine pilots will spend at least a portion of that time carrying out (either consciously or subconsciously) a risk assessment of the forthcoming operation.


Article The world's largest container ship "Ever Ace" completes its first transit through the Suez Canal

published on 16 October 2021

On August 28, the world's largest container ship completed its first crossing in the Suez Canal. Due to its huge size and this is the first voyage of the ship, it has received extra attention and special treatment from the Suez Canal Authority (SCA).