
Senior Pilot Captain ERTAN OZGUR performing departure of MSC MARYLENA

published on 2 January 2023 17 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Captain Ertan Ozgur, Senior Maritime Pilot". Originally published on 2022-12-31.
SENIOR PILOT CAPTAIN ERTAN OZGUR performing departure maneuvering of MSC co ship MSC MARYLENA. She has bowthruster, right handed pitch propeller. She will be using 2 tugboats.
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Video Operating an STS Gantry Crane (Joystick Cam): Loading a vessel in the Port of Antwerp

published on 17 November 2020

This cabinview video shows how to control a STS crane, there will follow a video were I show you all the buttons and joystick controls. Lot of people request these video's. This shows how to operate en ship to shore crane with a joystick camera! (DUAL CAM) Make sure you LIKE and SHARE this video is you want more video's like this! Hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment & subscribe! SUB LINK:


Video Pilot On Board

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Video EfficientFlow - STM in ports and narrow waters

published on 22 September 2020

Improved traffic flow converts waiting times into increased safety and bunker savings for large ships in the narrow Swedish and Finnish archipelagos.
Found on YouTube. Created by "Sjöfartsverket".
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Take a ride!
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Article Reminder: The 134th UKMPA Conference

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