
An overview of the different spellings for a Marine Pilot

by - published on 1 December 2019 107 -

An overview of the different spellings for a Marine Pilot:

Please use the menu item "Feedback" if you have another spelling or country-specific name for us.

“marine pilot”
“maritime pilot”
“master pilot”
“mooring master”
“pilota del porto”
“pilote maritime”
“piloto da barra”
“piloto de barra”
“piloto naval”
“port pilot”
“river pilot”
“sea pilot”
“senior pilot”
“ship pilot”
”first class pilot”
„aspirant pilot“
„channel pilot“
„Practico de Puerto“
„práctico de puerto“
"piloti del porto"
"piloto practico"
"vessel pilot"

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René Hartung Lotsenbrüderschaft NOK II Kiel / Lübeck / Flensburg, Germany
on 20 April 2020, 13:14 UTC

I don‘t mean to appear to know-it-all, but „Lotse“ ist written with a capital „L“ at the beginning - I just tumbled over it, because I home-schooled one of my kids today on the grammar of writing nouns with capital letters in the German language. ;o)


Article Support hashtag #MarinePilots

by - published on 4 September 2019

To better bundle all articles and messages about Marine / Maritime Pilots I would like to suggest the Hashtag #MARINEPILOTS. We can use it well here on LinkedIn, but also for other social media like Twitter.


Article Photographer Michela Canalis becomes Partner of

by - published on 28 August 2019

Announcement from


Article says thank you for more than 44,000 page views in 7 weeks!

by - published on 3 December 2019

It all started with the idea and vision of a large community of Marine Pilots, bringing people and organisations together. A web portal that gathers all the information for the pilot industry, makes all the stakeholders visible and gives the world's pilots an opportunity to exchange ideas among themselves.


Video Losingsforsøk Rekefjord / Maritime pilotage 02 07 2016

published on 26 September 2020

Spektakulært forsøk. Vanskelig losoppdrag. Svært fartøy. Trang fjordpassasje. #Kystverket #lostjenesten #sikkerseilas/ Spectacular attempt. Demanding maritime pilotage. Huge vessel. Narrow passage. #norwegaincoastaladministration #safeseaways


Video Texas State Harbor Pilots

published on 4 July 2019

Texas State Harbor Pilots


Video The Insane Amount of Power Tugboats Pack to Move Giant Ships

published on 6 October 2021

Welcome back to the Fluctus Channel for a feature on the important role of tugboats in navigating the bigger vessels in harbors and canal, as well as the open seas.


Opinion Pilotage Wisdom

by Frank Diegel - published on 1 September 2020

"An old experienced pilot sometimes loses a ship by his assurance and over confidence of his knowledge, as effectually as a young pilot does by his ignorance and want of experience."
Let us remind ourselves every day of the principles of safe seamanship...


Video A day at work of Marine Pilot Evan Simkus, Port of London Authority

published on 8 March 2022

Many thanks to Capt. Pilot Evan Simkus for the insight into the working day!


Video Maritime Pilot embarking a Bulk Carrier with a 8,95 freeboard.

published on 26 August 2020

Hardest part of getting on board of a ship is climbing up on a maximum height of pilot ladder as 9m. Vessel on that video is a 27kdwt bulk carrier in ballast condition bound for İstanbul strait northbound passage.


Video EfficientFlow - STM in ports and narrow waters

published on 22 September 2020

Improved traffic flow converts waiting times into increased safety and bunker savings for large ships in the narrow Swedish and Finnish archipelagos.
Found on YouTube. Created by "Sjöfartsverket".
In the STM EfficientFlow project, the Baltic ports of Rauma and Gävle implement efficient port calls using real-time information. Improved traffic flow converts waiting times into increased safety and bunker savings for large ships in the narrow Swedish and Finnish archipelagos.