
Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations

published on 13 July 2021 208 -

The ICS Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations is the industry standard best practice guide for shipping companies, ships’ crew and helicopter operators. Written for both those in the air and those at sea, this important interface document helps all those involved in helicopter/ship operations become familiar with the important technical aspects of these complex operations.

The fifth edition provides the latest guidance on standardised procedures and facilities for helicopter/ship operations worldwide, and encourages safe and efficient performance in the field. The Guide has been fully updated to reflect the most up-to-date advice from industry experts in both the maritime and aviation sectors. For ships to which the International Safety Management (ISM) Code applies, this Guide may also help in developing shipboard operating procedures and requirements for the various helicopter operations that may be undertaken on board.
New in the fifth edition:
  • Updated guidance on transferring marine pilots directly to the bridge wing by winch, including associated risk assessments.
  • A detailed list of abbreviations and definitions from the maritime and aviation industry.
  • Expanded information on the requirements specific to different ship types.
  • Revised layout and checklists to better reflect human factors.
The Guide should be carried on board every ship and should be accessible to ships’ Masters, officers and crew, helicopter pilots and operators.
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