
Study: A Real-Time Method for Time-to-Collision Estimation from Aerial Images

published on 16 March 2022 196 -

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Article Study: "An evaluation of fatigue factors in maritime pilot work scheduling"

by - published on 17 September 2020

Already published for the first time in September 2020: Maritime piloting operations involve on-call work schedules that may lead to sleep loss and circadian misalignment. The study documented pilot work scheduling practices.


Video Ships Collision at Malacca Strait- 02-Oct-2020

published on 3 October 2020

Dredger OCEANLINE 5001 sailing at full speed struck anchored tanker STROVOLOS with moored alongside supply vessel, at around 1140 LT (UTC +8) Oct 2, on Melaka anchorage, Malaysia, Malacca Strait. The results can be seen on video – tanker suffered portside hull breach above waterline and apparently, some damage on cargo deck.


Video Safety of Navigation vs. Commercial Pressure

published on 18 January 2021

Safety of Navigation vs. Commercial Pressure / ROMEILs Tv Commercial Pressures impacts the safety of the vessel, study says Seafarers are pressured to keep quiet and keep the ship moving by ship operators, who dont want to lose inccome. Ship's officers who bring safety issues to the attention of management are exposed to the risk of retaliation. As whistle-blowers they may face punishment, demotion or even termination. International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots (MM&P) has...


Video Pilot Boat BURKANA - Emden, Germany (2013)

published on 5 November 2021


Opinion A few words about pilot safety and Merry Christmas

by Frank Diegel - published on 23 December 2021

My personal impression is that a lot has changed in terms of safety in the last two years. Non-compliance with current legislation that directly affects the safety of pilots is now no longer tolerated by many stakeholders. Something is happening. And that is a good thing.


Video BRO DELIVERER inbound River Clyde 08JUL20

published on 4 September 2020

River Clyde inbound to Rothesay Dock (Clydebank) Fuel Berth
~hours of darkness~
BRO DELIVERER (146m x 22m)
08 July 2020


Article Interview with Captain Mohamed Rafouk (Morocco), AMPA-President

by - published on 9 June 2020

"We want Ports Authorities to Prioritise the Safety of Maritime Pilots"

In this interview, the President of the African Maritime Pilots Association (AMPA), Captain Mohamed Rafouk who is based in Morocco speaks on how maritime pilots in Africa have coped since the outbreak. He also talks of their interactions with Port Authorities and what their expectations are.


Video Maneuvering information onboard - Pilot Card, Wheelhouse Poster and ...

published on 14 July 2020

This video explains the IMO resolution on the provision and display of maneuvering information on board ships, particularly the pilot card, wheelhouse poster and maneuvering booklet. the layout and contents of each are explained as well. Contents of this video will benefit mariners preparing for exams (written and oral examinations). Mariners will also benefit by watching the following videos: Duties of the SAR mission coordinator: Duties of the on-scene...


Video Supmar Pilot Boat 12m GRP

published on 11 November 2020

Cortando Ondas vamos juntos


Video Big ship navigating tight spots. Pilot got skills!!!

published on 2 February 2021

Buque grande navegando por lugares estrechos. El Práctico tiene habilidades!!!