
Capt. Luigi Mennella is the new President of Fedepiloti

by - published on 6 July 2020 84 -

photo and information by Fedepiloti

The 50-year-old pilot of the port of the Veneto Estuary, an effective pilot in the lagoon since 2002, was unanimously elected by the new Fedepiloti Board of Directors formed yesterday, 23 June 2020, during the 73rd Fedepiloti National Assembly. Luigi Mennella, originally from Casamicciola Terme (NA), is the first President in the history of Fedepiloti coming from the guild of Venice and in the last two years has held the role of Vice President alongside the outgoing President com.te Francesco Bandiera, Pilot of the Port of the guild of Olbia.

The role of Vice President that for the next two years will be held by com.te Massimiliano Fabricatore Irace, chief pilot of the Guild of Pilots of Salerno, also elected by the new Board of Directors and for the first time in his career will hold a managerial role within the Federation. To complete the command framework there will still be com.te Giacomo Scarpati who continues his mandate as Director of Fedepiloti.

The new President is expected immediately by important challenges to relaunch a category hard hit during the emergency by Covid-19. These are his first official words: "I thank the Drivers' category and the Board of Directors for the trust placed in me by honoring me with this prestigious position. I hope to fulfill my mandate in the best possible way".

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