Opinion 1000 cruise ships around… Are their pilot transfer arrangements safe?

by Arie Palmers - published on 8 June 2022

Some words on cruise ships and their compliance with SOLAS ch.V reg 23, IMO A.1045(27)? At the start of 2020 a pandemic we haven’t seen before in hundreds of years has struck the world, putting economies to a halt and had a devastating effect on the beautiful cruise business.


Article China wants to change pilot ladder regulations

published on 3 May 2022

China has already submitted proposals to the IMO regarding changes to SOLAS, Chapter 23, and IMO A.1045(27) in early 2021.


Article US Coast Guard: Verify gateway handhold arrangements

published on 25 April 2022

The US Coast Guard "Safety Alert 04-22" has been released. The alert addresses the importance of verifying the correct arrangement of handholds in embarkation gate arrangements aboard merchant vessels.


Opinion A deliberately sabotaged Pilot Ladder

by Arie Palmers - published on 16 March 2022

A court sentenced a captain to a total of 30 months imprisonment: It had been proven beyond doubt that the side ropes had been manipulated to make a ship inspection more difficult or to prevent it.


Opinion Pilot ladders: Compliance by design, failure by operator

by Herman Broers - published on 10 March 2022

It is not often that this blog is used to show bad practice, however in this case some pictures tell a whole story. Ship is compliant by design for rigging a combination. How about the operator(s)?


Article Shipping Industry Guidance on Pilot Transfer Arrangements, Version 3

published on 13 January 2022

This guidance is intended to remind seafarers and companies of the vital importance of adhering to the rules and established procedures concerning the provision of safe boarding arrangements for pilots.


Article A study on pilotage risk assessment in Jiangsu Section of the Yangtze River

published on 7 January 2022

In this paper, the risk of ship pilotage in Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River is studied by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation: risk factor identification, risk evaluation and decision making suggestion.


Article ISPO code and Control Manual (latest edition 1/1/22)

by ISPO - International Standard for Maritime Pilot Organisations - published on 4 January 2022

The latest edition of the ISPO Code and Control Manual has just been published: From January 1st 2022, the new ISPO Code and ISPO Control Manual will come into effect.


Article Mars report: Man overboard while rigging the pilot ladder

by Mars report by Nautical Institute - published on 2 December 2021

Going down the accommodation ladder with neither lifevest nor safety line must have been based on similar, past, successful operations, which may have never been challenged on board. This ‘slippage’ in safety is a pernicious and common phenomenon.


Article PTR Holland offers free pilot ladder load test

published on 1 December 2021

Register your pilot or embarkation ladder today and receive a free 30 months mandatory load test, when the ladders been delivered to one of our factories in Rotterdam, Singapore, New Castle UK or Houston Texas.