Job Offer

Trainee Marine Pilot

published on 23 November 2023 2818 -

Port of Portland Pty Ltd
Portland, Victoria, Australia

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Video Perfect Simulation: Ever Given Accident in 2D plus 3D

published on 21 April 2021

On the 23rd of March 2021 the VLCC Ever Given grounded in the Suez Canal. A strong southerly wind (between 6 and 7 BFT) plus so-called bank shear caused steering issues. This a combined 2D and 3D reconstruction of the incident based on recorded AIS data.


Video Autonomous Ships | 10 Reasons why you WONT LOSE YOUR JOB | Life at Sea Series

published on 30 June 2021

Autonomous ships news are often mislead and misinformed, causing worries within the seafaring community while corporations continue to get what they want - publicity, headlines and $$ investments . Life at sea is already hard enough, don't let their exaggeration affect you! WIth a bit of research, all source point to the same conclusion. As Maersk Line's CEO points out - Unmanned Containerships? Not in My Lifetime. In this video I will break them down for you. Here is 10 reasons why...


Video AMPI Conference in Port Moresby

published on 8 July 2024

Australasian Marine Pilots Institute or AMPI held its first ever regional conference outside of Australia in Port Moresby.
The conference opened on Monday night and it continued today and tomorrow with discussions on regulation, pilotage in PNG, training, towage, transfers and technology.


Video Awesome Insight at Port Khalid: Pilotage & Ship Manoeuvres

published on 23 July 2022

This video shows us what all takes place during unmooring and pilotage operation in detail. Must watch for all.


Video Teesport (UK) Pilot Boat

published on 28 July 2021


Video Time Lapse: Pilotage of the VLCC Pisces Star, Port of Rotterdam.

published on 4 July 2019

Time Lapse Video:The deep draught VLCC PISCES STAR is approaching the Port of Rotterdam, after navigating through the Eurogeul and Maasgeul deep water channels in the Southern North Sea. The VLCC is proceeding in Calandkanaal channel to her berth in the Petroleumharbour No. 5.
Before coming alongside the VLCC is stopped and swung in the channel. Four harbour tugs are made fast to assist the manoeuvring vessel. Mooringboats bring the VLCC's steel mooring wires ashore when she is coming...


Video iTalk by Ms Reshma Nilofer, Sector Pilotage Services

published on 25 August 2020

iTalk conducted by IME(I) Mumbai Branch. The speaker was Ms Reshma Nilofer, Sector Pilotage Services


Video Cosco Shipping Universe

published on 2 September 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemy restricts our daily lives more and more, Shipping Lines, Ports, Linesmen, Tugs an Pilots will never stop. We are all part in a big chain that keeps moving cargoes anytime, worldwide. Today we may wear face masks, we do not shake hands anymore, and we stay at a safe distance from each other onboard. But we keep them ships moving. This is a short video about the outgoing COSCO SHIPPING UNIVERSE, a 400 meter long ULCS, from Yangtzekanaal, Euromax Terminal to sea.


Video Saving Lives of Maritime Pilots with a Simple Action

published on 20 August 2021

While maritime pilots play the crucial role of ensuring safety of ships, protection of port environment as well as public safety, their personal safety often takes a back seat. However, the simple action of routine maintenance of equipment can save lives.
Learn more
#maritimefairtrade #maritime #maritimeindustry #maritimenews #marinenews #shippingnews #incidentresponse #incidentmanagement #incident #incidentresponseplan...


Video Boston River Haven Pilot boat

published on 16 March 2022

Maybe the best pilot boat video of the year. What a great scenery!