Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 17 September 2019 124 -

Transhipment Services Australia
West Perth, Australia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Article Obituary Capt. Andrew Holton Stegen (87) - Crescent River Port Pilots

by - published on 25 October 2020

October 24, 1932 ~ October 22, 2020 (age 87). Member of Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association, serving as a river pilot for 34 years.


Article Trouble with pilotage services in Slovenia

by - published on 16 April 2020

In March the Slovenian Government has concluded a contract with the state-owned Kopp Izobraževanje company to provide maritime piloting services in the port of Koper as a public service. So far these services have been provided by private company Piloti Koper.


Article Winter Edition of the BPC Pilotage Quarterly published

published on 10 January 2023

The Winter 2023 edition of the BPC Pilotage Quarterly is out now!


Video I have suffered a fatal accident and survived. India's only female Maritime Pilot | Reshma Nilofer

published on 1 February 2023

Today CE Praneet Mehta sir and The only Indian maritime Pilot and The Nari Shakti Puraskar achiever Reshma Nilofer ma'am are going to discuss her journey and experiences, failures, and point of view with you. Reshma Nilofer Instagram: Reshma Nilofer Linkedin: 00:00- Start 01:19- Introduction of Reshma Nilofer ma'am 03:22- How did she come to know about Merchant...


Video A Day in the Life of a Marine Pilot (Australia)

published on 18 March 2024

As an island nation, over 98% of Australia’s trade moves through ports. At the heart of the trade supply chain are the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) marine pilots. These highly skilled maritime professionals make sure the vessels carrying goods through our ports travel safely and efficiently. Take a look at a day in the life of an NQBP marine pilot at one of Queensland’s multi-commodity ports, the Port of Mackay. Read more


Video A Message to Seafarers | Seafarer's Day

published on 26 June 2021

A message to Seafarers day 2021 There are many reasons why I love my job as a seafarer. Aside from the good wage that helps me support my family and save for my future, I can also travel for free across countries and can meet a lot of people to learn from and enjoy work with. I also have a chance to enhance my editing/vloger skills while enjoying the sail. Although it gets a little sad at times working away from home, I make sure to always take everything positively and stay connected with...


Video Pilotage in bad weather Cork Harbour February 2021

by Safehaven Marine - published on 16 February 2021

Here’s some cool video footage we captured of the Cork Pilots in their Interceptor 48 pilot boat ‘Failte’ undertaking pilot transfers off Cork Harbour during the recent days of strong SE gales. Roches Point lighthouse recorded 50kts of wind on the 13th as the Cosco bulk carrier passed and the Cork wave buoy 2nm off the harbour entrance recorded waves to 6.7m at the time. The pilot boat coxwain managed to get alongside and safely disembark the pilot despite the challenging sea state....


Video Maritime Pilot Training IV - Man overboard manoeuvre

published on 12 May 2021

Training video IV on the correct behaviour in case of man overboard


Article Improve comfort, safety and maneuvering with Humphree.

published on 24 September 2020

By using Humphree's trim and stabilization system, you will reduce resistance, fuel consumption and environmental impact. It also means that the best possible performance and stability is achieved.

Humphree USA reports that it has won numerous orders this year for its automatic stabilization technology in the North American pilot boat segment, with nine new boats either delivered or under construction for eight different pilot associations.


Video Singapore Bunker Tanker Loading at Universal Terminal..

published on 6 September 2021

Movement to Universal Terminal Jetty 7, bridge view with Pilot Onboard