pilot ship sea boat maritime waves merchantnavy offshore loodswezen
A dutch maritme pilot is boarding a ship to set course in to the Port of Rotterdam.
We are operating 24/7 - 365 days a year to make sure that the ships get in to and out off the port safely.
The name tag plate on this ladder displays a few important items that can be cross referenced with the certificate: Type, Model, Length, Production date, as well as the serial number (Prod.No) and the approval standard.
GENOA - Seven years have passed since the tragedy of the Torre Piloti in Genoa. It was almost 11 pm on May 7, 2013 when the vessel "Jolly Nero" impacted against the pilot tower.
Video by Safehaven Marine / Frank Kowalski
Here’s a cool video of the latest Interceptor 48 pilot boat we’ve launched for the Gdynia Pilots in Poland. We captured some nice alongside ship footage during the sea trials and had a chance to test out our new drone ‘catch net’ on Thunder Child.
Open Waters Program Launch - Maritime Career Development Program
Louisiana River Pilots Association - Crescent River Port Pilots - New Orleans-Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots Association