Job Offer

Marine Pilot – Kings Lynn UK

published on 7 September 2021 135 -


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Article Open Letter from Captain Peter Dann (President AMPI) regarding the situation in Brisbane

by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute - published on 10 December 2021

Today Captain Peter Dann (President AMPI) has published an open letter about concerns regarding simulation in lieu of on-water training and the situation in Brisbane.


Video Curso Maritime Pilot AND Pilotage Transportation – Safety and Sea Survival Training

published on 12 March 2024

ANPRA y la Escuela Naval de Aviación Naval presentan el curso "Maritime Pilot AND Pilotage Transportation – Safety and Sea Survival Training (MP-SISST)".
Este programa integral está diseñado para preparar a profesionales de la navegación con las habilidades necesarias para enfrentar los desafíos del mar con confianza y seguridad. Desde técnicas avanzadas de pilotaje hasta protocolos de supervivencia en el mar, este curso ofrece un enfoque completo y práctico para garantizar la seguridad y...


Video Maritime Pilot at work in the Port of Hamburg

published on 6 October 2022

This video seems to be slow and boring for non maritime people, but doing the job in a good way needs a lot of experience and knowledge. And it's the very the best job in the world.


Video Pilot Boarding at Sea near San Francisco

published on 26 May 2020

Found on YouTiube. Created by "David McCloy".


Opinion Active Pilot Deaths Between 1961-2023 in Turkey

by Uluç Hanhan - published on 31 January 2023

In this study, it was tried to determine the deaths and causes of active pilots (under 65 years old according to the legislation) during the 62 years between 1961 and 2023 in Turkey. Deaths during the retirement period were not included in the study.


Article Updated App: "Bollard Pull Calculation for Marine Pilots"

by Baykal YAYLALI - published on 17 June 2024

A handy and simple tool to determine in a minimum time what is really needed as tug assistance, is the Bollard Pull Calculator which calculates in an approximate way the total required tug power for ships in various conditions of wind and current. This tool can be loaded as an app on the smart phone.


Video Pilot Talks...! Pilot ki Baat. Episode 6

published on 23 April 2021

Video discussion hosted by Capt. Vijay Sharma, Master Mariner
along with Co-Host Capt.Gajanan Karanjikar, President of AIMPA
Special Guest: Capt. Sajan Varghese.


Video Harbor Pilots SRL Career Day

published on 31 January 2021

Captain Bronson Stubbs discusses what harbor pilots do


Article A journey back in time: films of pilotage from 1940 to 1975 (USA, UK and Germany)

by Frank Diegel - published on 18 May 2020

Let us start a journey back in time. Back to the black and white films of history. The times have changed, but it is good to know what kind of things have changed and where are the roots of pilotage.


Video CMA CGM Columbia feat. two harbour pilot boats (2.7K)

published on 31 December 2020

CMA CGM Columbia container ship arriving from Shekou port, and transiting thru Hong Kong, destination Singapore
a rare capture of TWO harbour pilots boats to carry two pilots leaving off the container ship
Columbia is only a 300m long 48m wide vessel, only 9200 TEU capacity but it has separate bridge tower and chimney. The ship was built in 2015.