Job Offer

Pilot Boat Captain

published on 4 July 2022 253 -

Sandy Hook Pilots Association
Staten Island, NY, USA

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Video Piraeus Harbor Pilot Disembarks Disney Dream – 6/16/2023

published on 24 August 2023

For more, please visit our trip report for this day at:


Video Pilot via Helicopter to our vessel - Time Lapse

published on 6 January 2021

MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS It was an early morning arrival in the port of Le Havre FRANCE 🇫🇷 with the sun just about to rise !! The moment & lighting was so spectacular that the GoPro struggled to capture everything & do justice . I managed to capture - in my opinion the best TIME LAPSE till date . Also not to miss out the catch of the video - HELICOPTER OPERATION 🚁 Stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel 📹 #MerchantNavy #LifeAtSea #Refueling MY SOCIAL MEDIA...


Video Pilot Boat "Pacific Scout", Victoria Harbour (Canada)

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THE PILOT BOAT is coming back in.


Video The Pilot Of Belfast Harbour - N Irish Coastal Scenery

published on 20 June 2022

What a great pleasure to meet these guys at the harbour - they could not have been more helpful and forthright about their work. At first glance, the glide of these orange powerboats up and down Belfast Lough seems an almost effortless task, but close up this is a very skilled trade and constant management of risk 24/7 in high and low seas, jumping from ship to boat to land taking safe control of the great volume of steel vessel coming in and out of this busy port. Though a hub of...


Article Brightlingsea Pilots order new Seaward 29 Pilot Boat

published on 27 May 2021

Brightlingsea Harbour - a mixed leisure and commercial port on the East Coast of England
has recently signed contracts with Seaward to have a new pilot boat built, The demands of Pilot duties as well as working as a patrol boat and harbour launch, and the sea conditions that can occur in the area made the Nelson hulled Seaward the natural choice of vessel.


Article Scary 30m (98.4ft) Wave Off Irelands West Coast Yesterday

by - published on 29 October 2020

A monster wave of 30m was measured at 03:00 am by the Marine Institute M6 buoy located 200nm West of Ireland.


Video The Hair-Raising Career of a Chesapeake Bay Pilot

published on 15 September 2020

Chesapeake Bay pilots guide massive cargo ships safely through the Bay's channels every day, but boarding them on a ladder attached to a moving ship is nothing short of breathtaking. Watch the video from a retired Bay Pilot.


Article Sanmar signs US$33.46 million contracts with Pakistan port authority

published on 1 April 2021

Sanmar Shipyards has signed six vessel contracts together totalling US$33.46 million with the Port Qasim Authority (PQA) in Pakistan for four high-performance state-of-the-art tugboats and two pilot boats. The tugs are scheduled to be delivered in 12 months and the pilot boats in 10.