Job Offer

Maritime Pilot - Ras Laffan - Qatar

published on 23 August 2022 1034 -

Las Raffas, Qatar

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Article Teignbridge India PVT Ltd supplied two Wadia built 19m Pilot Boats

published on 15 November 2022

Teignbridge India PVT Ltd is proud to have supplied these two Wadia built 19m Pilot Boats. The contract speed of 18 to 20kn was easily exceeded with an impressive 22kn achieved during the sea trials.


Opinion AIMPA has published "Providing Peek into Marine Pilots' World" - Issue II

published on 21 September 2020

The PDF of the second issue is available for download here


Video CSCL Star Ultra Large Container Ship docks at the port of Hamburg - Time Lapse in 4k

published on 6 April 2021

The Chinese container freighter "CSCL Star" belongs to the class of Ultra Large Container Ships (ULCS) and is one of the largest ships that can enter the port of Hamburg.


Video Presenting OpenBridge Design System at DSD2020 in Oslo

published on 6 May 2020

I recently presented the OpenBridge design system at the Design System Day 2020 in Oslo. I talked about what OpenBridge is, how it differs from other design systems and where we are heading.
The conference was moved online due to the Corona virus, so I had to record the presentation using my mobile phone, and get Jon Olav from the lab to add the slides. So - apologize for the home quality of the presentation, but I hope you enjoy learning more about our work!
Since we launched the free...


Video Time-lapse maneuvering in Turkey

published on 24 November 2022

@Captain Ertan Ozgur, Senior Maritime Pilot


Video How AIS Works - Operation of AIS

published on 30 June 2020

This section should give a short introduction to: Operational aspects of AIS Functions and features Human aspects Key Points The AIS transponder unit. Automatic communication. SOLAS requirements. AIS Information sent by ships. Static information update. MMSI Dynamic information update. Voyage related information update. Checking AIS data. BIIT Display Of AIS data. Recommended AIS symbols. Sleeping target symbol. Activated target symbol. Selected target symbol. Dangerous target...


Article 1,000 ways to secure a Pilot Ladder

by Arie Palmers, Netherlands - published on 10 January 2020

From that moment on I have been keeping a tally of the non compliant boarding arrangements I see in front of me on a daily base, and off course I participate in the annual safety campaign, conducted by IMPA each october.


Video Maneuvering information onboard - Pilot Card, Wheelhouse Poster and ...

published on 14 July 2020

This video explains the IMO resolution on the provision and display of maneuvering information on board ships, particularly the pilot card, wheelhouse poster and maneuvering booklet. the layout and contents of each are explained as well. Contents of this video will benefit mariners preparing for exams (written and oral examinations). Mariners will also benefit by watching the following videos: Duties of the SAR mission coordinator: Duties of the on-scene...


Video SImulator Training

published on 2 February 2022

Practicing in the new port before we have todo it for real.