Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 4 September 2023 548 -

Pemba, Mozambique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Article USCG: Ever Forward pilot was distracted before grounding

published on 9 December 2022

On March 13, 2022, at approximately 1812 Eastern Standard Time (EST), the Hong Kong flagged containership EVER FORWARD departed Seagirt Marine Terminal in Baltimore,


Article Furetank (Sweden) turns former office into advanced ship simulator training centre

published on 7 February 2023

Furetank turns a former office building into a maritime educational centre on Donsö outside Gothenburg: a state-of-the-art ship simulator complex for training, assessment and certification.


Article Pilot Boats, a Designer and Builders Perspective

by Safehaven Marine - published on 6 August 2021

Safehaven Marine build a range of vessels for many different operational roles such as patrol, survey, crew transfer to name a few, but what makes Safehaven unique is that we specialize in pilot boats, with 80% of our production dedicated to just this area, and have supplied over 50 pilot craft all around the world over the last 17 years.


Article Concept of Reskilling for Automation Collaboration in Maritime Piloting

published on 22 August 2022

Advanced automation has been highlighted as contributory to several accidents involving modern bridge support systems and automation aiding maritime pilots for maneuvering and navigation. This paper argues for reskilling for automation collaboration.


Article Qastor 3 is now available - win a one year licence!

published on 18 October 2020

QPS is pleased to announce that Qastor 3 is now available on iOS and Windows.

This brand new version of Qastor is a multi functional navigation platform, which has been developed, designed and tested in cooperation with world-class pilots. Explore straightforward navigation software with optimal docking and piloting capabilities.


Article Turkish Chief officer fell into water checking draft, died, Russia

published on 6 February 2022

Chief officer of bulk carrier İNCE EGE fell into water from pilot ladder while trying to read draft marks at Taman port, Russia, Black sea, understood early in the morning Feb 4, at nigh time.


Video A Maersk pilot out at sea: 360-degree experience

published on 2 September 2022

How do our pilots board a moving vessel? Get the full experience and look around in the 360-degree environment from arriving to the vessel by boat, climbing the ladder to the side door and finally climbing down again - all while the container vessel is in motion.
#Ocean #Pilot #Experience #Transport #Safety #Vessel #Maersk
©3D-creation by CollectiveFlow


Video Ship manoeuvring in port MV Navios Amarillo.

published on 16 October 2020

Unberthing NBCT ,Penang, Malaysia.
#marinepilot #shiphandling #manoeuvre #port #seaman #tug #ship #marine


Opinion Manning Challenges in Maritime Pilotage

by Captain Ahmed Sati - published on 25 March 2024

Opinion article by Ahmed Sati, Marine Pilot, Author of “Marine Pilotage - The Arabic book” and board member of ISPO.