Video Opinion by Nasir Khan: Pilot transfer by tug boat is unsafe
by Nasir Khan - published on 11 May 2022
Pilot transferring is unsafe and dangerous by Harbor Tug Boat from or to the ship. I analyzed and observed at many ports, Pilots using Harbor Tug Boat for transferring. Where Tug boats decks are not specially designed for the Pilot transferring. This is difficult for the Pilot during Embarkation and specially Disembarkation. Video courtesy Nasir Khan. Find Capt. Pilot Nasir Khan on
Article London Pilots issue Quick Reference Guide for PTA’s
by Port of London Authority - published on 9 September 2024
Opinion Fashion Label "Camp David" launches "Sea Pilots" Collection
by Frank Diegel - published on 29 September 2020
Video Port of Hay Point - Marine Pilotage
published on 26 September 2020
Video The life of a Deep Sea Pilot by Roger Francis
published on 15 November 2020
The fascinating tale told by Roger Francis about his life at sea and ultimately as a Deep Sea Pilot. The explanation in detail of the terrific responsibilities comes with tales of daring-do, near misses and other peoples' disasters. Roger's personal tale takes him from kiddy to cadet and from 3rd Mate to Master before he became a Deep Sea Pilot guiding shipping on the busiest shipping thoroughfare in the world - the Dover Straits. On top of this, there is love interest and action in war...