
Unsafe pilot boarding

published on 9 September 2024 244 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ALL IN ONE 222". Originally published on 2024-09-02.
Editors note: What do you think about this unsafe manoeuvre?
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Video Opinion by Nasir Khan: Pilot transfer by tug boat is unsafe

by Nasir Khan - published on 11 May 2022

Pilot transferring is unsafe and dangerous by Harbor Tug Boat from or to the ship. I analyzed and observed at many ports, Pilots using Harbor Tug Boat for transferring. Where Tug boats decks are not specially designed for the Pilot transferring. This is difficult for the Pilot during Embarkation and specially Disembarkation. Video courtesy Nasir Khan. Find Capt. Pilot Nasir Khan on


Article London Pilots issue Quick Reference Guide for PTA’s

by Port of London Authority - published on 9 September 2024

London Pilots (PLA) have issued an excellent quick reference guide for Pilot Transfer arrangements, which can be used for pilots as well as ship’s crews. Please take not of this document and if you can, try to incorporate it into your procedures.


Opinion Fashion Label "Camp David" launches "Sea Pilots" Collection

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Video Port of Hay Point - Marine Pilotage

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NQBP is proudly committed to safe shipping - watch as our Marine Pilot, Captain Luke Sorensen explains how he safely manoeuvres a vessel from the PortofHayPoint.
Fact: In 2015-16, 1133 vessels were handled at this NQBP port.


Video The life of a Deep Sea Pilot by Roger Francis

published on 15 November 2020

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Article Psychophysical stress and strain of maritime pilots in Germany. A cross-sectional study

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Maritime pilots work in an irregular deployment system (rotation system) with unpredictable work assignments under high levels of physical and mental stress. Fatigue or chronic diseases, e.g. coronary heart disease, peptic ulcers or gastritis can occur as a consequence.


Article BSU: Interim investigation of Mumbai Maersk grounding

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The German Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation (BSU) published its interim accident report on the containership MUMBAI MAERSK, which ran aground while entering the Weser fairway, on 2 February 2022.


Opinion Five questions for Jason Ranston, Business Manager at eMPX

published on 18 May 2021

In our new new section “Five questions for ..." introduces pilots and other market players to our readers in short interviews.

Today we have talked to Jason Ranston, Business Manager at eMPX