
SAMMON Intro Ships Manoeuvring Predictions

published on 11 July 2020 367 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ISSIMS GmbH - Marine Prediction Technology".
SAMMON Introduction into Ships Manoeuvring Prediction
- newly made Video to display the principles of SAMMON
Germany, Wismar
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Video How Ship Anchor Works? - Procedure For Anchoring a Ship at Sea

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#Anchor #shipanchor #windlass Anchoring is one of the very frequent operations onboard ships. A number of variables and external factors influence the duration and location of an anchoring operation. While the type of seabed is of utmost importance during anchoring, soft muddy grounds or clay bottoms are best preferred. It should be taken care that the anchoring bottom is free of power lines, submarine cables, pipelines or rocks. Various methods on anchoring include consideration of...


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London Pilots (PLA) have issued an excellent quick reference guide for Pilot Transfer arrangements, which can be used for pilots as well as ship’s crews. Please take not of this document and if you can, try to incorporate it into your procedures.


Article Safe working with harbour cranes

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Video Pilot Vessel "COMETA", La Plata Harbour, Argentina

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Pilot Vessel "COMETA" #CanalAccesoAPuertoLaPlata #pilotstation #pilotboat  #LaPlataHarbour #LanchasDelEste #BuenosAiresProvince #Argentina/ 15.12.2021. This video shows the Pilot Vessel "COMETA" inside the #CanalAccesoAPuertoLaPlata when she arrived at #PilotStation #LanchasDelEste #LaPlataHarbour #BuenosAiresProvince #Argentina. The video was filmed by @ultrabarqueros You can watch the full video by clicking on the following Link: / Puedes ver el video apretando en el siguiente Link:...