Video The Boats That Built Britain - The Pilot Cutter - Part 2
published on 8 September 2020
Many consider the Bristol Channel pilot cutter to be the finest sailing boat design ever. Fast, seaworthy and beautiful to behold, the pilot cutter is the perfect combination of form and function - a thoroughbred perfectly adapted to a life in one of the Britain's most treacherous stretches of water. Sailor and writer Tom Cunliffe explores the life of the pilots and sails a perfectly restored cutter to find out just what drove these men and their wonderful machines.
Article A journey back in time: films of pilotage from 1940 to 1975 (USA, UK and Germany)
by Frank Diegel - published on 18 May 2020
Video Look at Life - Pilot Aboard 1963
published on 17 December 2019
Video Safehaven Marine: Sines big day at Daunt and offshore F9 inc crash landing
published on 18 January 2022
If you fancy seeing what it’s like aboard during some rough weather sea trials, here’s a pretty cool little video of our Interceptor 48 pilot built for the Port of Sines. Some really great Arial drone footage and interesting POV (Point of view) with narration from aboard her in 5-6m seas and in 50kt winds 25 miles offshore.
How difficult is to land a drone back down on the boat in 5-6m swells and 45-50kt wind gusts? Pretty damn difficult as it turns out! Sometimes we fail as you’ll see at...
Video History: Pilot boats in New York harbor
published on 29 August 2020
SUMMARY A New York harbor pilot boat passes close enough for four members of the crew to be seen [Frame: 0471]. Following the sailing vessel is a steamship [0780]. From a contemporary Edison Company catalog: PILOT BOATS IN NEW YORK HARBOR. Unboys [code for telegraphic orders]. A close view of an eighty footer, schooner rigged, trim as a private yacht, skimming over the waters of the harbor near Robin's Reef, [where a] picturesque little lighthouse is seen in the near background. A steamer...
Video Pilot boat approaches Carnival Splendor off the coast of Victoria, Canada
published on 31 May 2022
Article Best remote area pilot boat: Svitzer Marlin
by Baird Maritime - published on 16 February 2024
Video Marine pilot boat | valencia pilot
published on 6 April 2021
Video Maritime Analytics: The breadth of AIS usage | 10 November 2021
published on 15 November 2021
The growing influence of AIS data and analytics has shed the light on the increasing demand for new, smarter solutions in the maritime domain. During this interactive session, we discuss with AIS industry experts how we can take oceans of data and turn it into streams of actionable intelligence for better decision-making and more efficient and transparent shipping.