Article Webcams around the world
by Justin Arndt - - published on 31 October 2020
Video 24/7 Live Webcam - Kiel Canal at Kiel Lock in Germany | Nord-Ostsee-Kanal Schleuse Kiel
published on 29 August 2020
Video 24/7 Live Webcam - Kiel Canal at Brunsbuettel Lock in Germany | Nord-Ostsee-Kanal Schleuse Brunsbüttel
published on 1 September 2020
Video Rencontre avec un pilote maritime au port de Sète
published on 30 May 2020
Connaissez vous le métier de pilote maritime ? Rencontre avec Gabriel Charpentier à Sète dans l'Hérault. Lorsque les navires de plus de 55 mètres arrivent dans un port, les pilotes maritimes prennent le relais du commandant. Ils ont la responsabilité de faire entrer ces gros bateaux par tous les temps. Lors d'une escale, ils sont les premiers à monter à bord en pleine mer sur une échelle de corde de neuf mètres.
Reportage de Cybèle Plichart
Video New Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER" / Bulk Carrier Ship "TAI HAWK"
published on 27 April 2020
New Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER" / On board Bulk Carrier Ship "TAI HAWK" - Arriving at #Recalada #BoardingStation #KM239_1 #PuntaIndioChannel #RioDeLaPlata #Argentine Nueva Lancha de Prácticos "SEA MASTER" / A bordo del Buque de Transporte a Granel "TAI HAWK" - Llegando a Recalada #EstaciónDeEmbarque KM 239,1 del Canal Punta Indio, del Río de La Plata #Argentina This video (original sound) was filmed on board Bulk Carrier Ship "TAI HAWK" (IMO Number: 9284556) and shows the moment when the...
Video Pilot Boarding with SWATH Pilot Vessel "Groden", Germany
published on 18 October 2022
Video Porthos Lima, presented during the 53rd EMPA GENERAL MEETING
published on 17 January 2020
Conapra's Technical Director, the pilot Porthos Lima, presented during the 53rd EMPA GENERAL MEETING the application developed for smartphones, inspired by the 2017 IMPA SECURITY CAMPAIGN. This tool allows pilots to report deficiencies in the Pilot Packing Arrangements and ship equipment, and these reports are instantly available to all Brazilian pilots. In the presentation Mr. Lima, representative of the Brazilian Maritime Pilots Association, showed how the App works and presented its...