
Pilotage and mooring operation - work at sea

published on 25 February 2021 175 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Joseph Frio". Originally published on 2021-02-21.
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Article AMSA: Safe pilot transfer arrangements vital for safe operations

published on 14 September 2022

This Marine Notice reminds shipowners, operators, masters, crews, recognised organisations, marine pilots and pilotage providers of the obligation to provide safe pilot transfer arrangements.


Opinion Five questions for Jason Ranston, Business Manager at eMPX

published on 18 May 2021

In our new new section “Five questions for ..." introduces pilots and other market players to our readers in short interviews.

Today we have talked to Jason Ranston, Business Manager at eMPX


Video A Journey on Kiel Canal, Germany

published on 25 September 2022

Great film about sailing on Kiel Canal (NOK) in Germany.


Article The BMA introduces inspection campaign for pilot transfer arrangements

published on 23 July 2021

The Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) once again demonstrates its commitment to seafarer safety by being the first registry to instigate a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) for pilot transfer arrangements. It will continue to run until the end of 2021.


Video How AIS Works - Operation of AIS

published on 25 July 2019

How AIS Works - Operation of AIS


Video Pilot boat goes out, Pilot Boat comes in. The saltie Cape comes in. Busy Sunday in Duluth!

published on 3 May 2020

I decided to show the typical happenings when a saltwater freighter arrives Duluth. Most of the time they go to anchor and wait for the Elevator dock. The Pilot Boat brings out the Great Lakes Pilot to sail the ship into the port and to the dock. This vessel arrived early Sunday morning, went to anchor until mid afternoon. They are loading grain at the CHS Elevator in Superor.


Video Global Marine Design 19m Pilot Boat - Flyby

published on 28 July 2023

Global Marine Design 19m Pilot Boat


Video Thun London Tanker & Pilot Boat Chase

published on 2 September 2022

August 2022, tanker Thun London and Foyle Leader pilot vessel.


Video Tanker inbound to Aberdeen Harbour

published on 12 July 2021

Bergstraum inbound to Regent Quay in Aberdeen Harbour with the tug Kittywake assisting.


Article Podcast: Marine pilot support staff help make it all happen

published on 17 March 2022

Podcast by "Ship Report"