
Walking the right pilot boat side: Perfect disembarking

published on 14 June 2021 1143 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Malhotra’s Stories". Originally published on 2021-06-08.
Editors note:
Exemplary manoeuvre: The pilot should always walk on the side of the pilot boat facing away from the vessel. This prevents the pilot from being trapped between the two vessels in the event of a fall into the water.

Jet propulsion and a "pilot scoop" at the stern are also exemplary!

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Georgi Georgiev Varna Pilot Station, Bulgaria
on 14 June 2021, 12:42 UTC

The pilot vessel detach the ship when the pilot is in the cabin - very important also !

A community member on 14 June 2021, 12:36 UTC

This comment has been removed.


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