
Stern-First Method for POD Ships –Practical samples starting with Twin screw followed by POD ships

published on 12 August 2022 379 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ISSIMS - Innovative Ship Simulation". Originally published on 2022-08-10.
Practical samples for manoeuvres for ships going astern - as Stern-First-Method SFM. Introduction using as sample from the Master Thesis by Karel Wiegert for an arrival manoeuvre of a cruise vessel in Southampton port with a Twin-screw vessel under strong current. The same manoeuvre with the same ship model was used to show the advantage of Fast Time Simulation FTS using the SAMMON Planning Tool. This goes much faster than the manoeuvres in the real time simulator - and it can even be edited for discussing alternatives or optimisation purposes. The last sample is the arrival manoeuvre in the Port of Rostock with a POD ships under strong Wind. It could be demonstrated that with going stern first the manoeuvre can be much more effective - faster and even possible for higher wind speeds.
This demonstrates the advantage of a POD acting with SFM now at the fore end of the ship seen in the direction of motion and working directly against the wind - This enables smaller drift angle, specifically if the bow thruster at the other end supports holding the ship against the wind.
The final sample is sort of provocative - showing a movie with departure manoeuvres of many ships as a "Port Miami Fashion Show" where the idea came to me why these ships are not immediately leaving the port directly with stern first - in contrast to go first into the harbour to turn the ship and then heading to the open sea…
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