
Hamburg Port Services is a new partner of Marine‑

published on 13 November 2020 150 -

Your Partner for maritime pilot trainings
Hamburg Port Services was based on an initiative launched by the Hamburg Harbour Pilots´ Association and was founded on 19 August 2004.

Our partner offers highly specialised shipping services. All experts have obtained a nautical sciences degree and are experienced shipmasters. It is these skills and experiences that form the core of the company.

With such a wealth of knowledge, Hamburg Port Services has grown into a major training centre and has become a competent and reliable point of contact for maritime pilots and organizations, shipping companies, planning offices, port service providers and authorities. When it comes to Maritime Resource Management training and AZIPOD propulsion systems, they are leaders in the field.

All courses can be tailored to meet clients' individual needs. For further information please visit their website or contact their office in Hamburg.

The company is based in the Hamburg Harbour Pilots Association’s historical pilot’s house.

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