
New Pilot Ladder Magnet Is Switchable

published on 29 June 2021 217 -

On the back of the long-standing success of the Yellow-Mag ll Pilot Ladder Magnet worldwide, Serpent & Dove—Applied Magnetics is introducing its patented Yellow-Mag lll Switchable Pilot Ladder Magnet.

The major advantage of Yellow-MAG lll is the safety of not being always ‘on’.
This removes entirely the risk of finger-pinching or unintentional and inadvertent clamping of the magnet to steel surfaces and also makes for easier storage.

Yellow-Mag lll provides the same 450 Kgs breakaway strength and uses soft mounting of the switchable magnet to the familiar yellow HDPE base, which also provides further stability to the assembly.

At a little over 4 Kgs, the rare earth magnet assembly uses no electric power but is actuated by the two actions of pushing down and rotating clockwise the switch on top by 180 degrees. De-activation is by push down and rotation anti-clockwise. The magnet assembly itself has been encased in Hypalon for moisture-resistance. A rated stainless steel eye bolt for tie-off is provided on the side of the magnet. A hinged white delrin handle makes Yellow-Mag lll easy to carry and manipulate.
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