
Human Error in Pilotage Operations

published on 30 September 2021 667 -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video The Port Authority of Jamaica | Critical Services - Pilotage

published on 15 April 2021

Pilotage is compulsory in all Jamaican ports and is a necessity for the safe passage and docking of ships entering and leaving the harbours. No ship or vessel can enter our Ports without the #PortAuthorityJa’s pilotage services. #MarinePilots, being the experts in local conditions, are required to assist in the navigation and manoeuvring of vessels in our channels and port areas and are dispatched to all ports in Jamaica on a 24 hour basis. Our #PilotBoatCrew ensures that Marine Pilots are...


Video Transit of the Panama Canal with an XDF LNG Carrier on the Newly expanded locks under pilotage

published on 19 December 2020

Join me as we transit through the Panama Canal from the North-East side to the South-West. An interesting vlog on how an XDF LNG carrier transits through the newly expanded Panama Canal.Find out its history and which vessel and Captain transited the Canal on its opening day on the 15th of August 1914.The interaction with the Pilot Captain Arnulfo Cepetno who assist me on transit the Cocoli locks.


Article The challenges of remote pilotage simulated in Rauma

published on 7 October 2021

As a part of the ISTLAB project the impact of external factors on pilots’ activities in a remote pilotage situation has been examined in Rauma.


Article Marine Pilots Events

by Frank Diegel - published on 5 July 2021

The list of physical pilot events is very clear in times of Corona. Nevertheless, it can be viewed at Does anyone have more information about events?


Article Livorno: Man steals pilots boat and then sets fire to it

published on 26 October 2021

A Dutch man, after having stolen the pilots' boat and set fire to it, sowed panic in the port of Livorno, giving rise to a chase at sea.


Article The world's largest container ship "Ever Ace" completes its first transit through the Suez Canal

published on 16 October 2021

On August 28, the world's largest container ship completed its first crossing in the Suez Canal. Due to its huge size and this is the first voyage of the ship, it has received extra attention and special treatment from the Suez Canal Authority (SCA).


Article Procurement of a 12m Pilot Boat, Samoa

by Samoa Ports Authority - published on 11 May 2021

Deadline: 15th June 2021


Article Port Of Cromarty Firth Marine Support Manager ‘Honoured’ To Join UK Harbour Masters’ Association’s National Council

published on 3 September 2021

Graham Grant, the Port of Cromarty Firth’s Marine Support Manager, has been appointed to the National Council of the UK Harbour Masters’ Association (UKHMA).


Video Maiden call Ever Act, Worlds largest eases from Felixstowe 9 with 4 Svitzer tugs 27th October 2021

published on 29 October 2021

The Ever Act, the worlds largest and the second to be built out of a series of 12 record breaking vessels prepares to depart Felixstowe Berth 9 with a maximum draught of 10.2 metres for her next port of Hamburg.  As the DFDS ferry was heading inbound at the North Shipwash, Harwich VTS had asked then to make best speed so they planned to get the Suecia Seaways through before the Ever Act broke away. A Harwich Haven Pilot Launch heads over from Harwich with a pilot for the Ever Act....