
Safehaven Marine Deliver The First Of 3 Interceptor 48 Pilot Boats ‘VB Mouna’ For Boluda, Tanger Med

published on 14 April 2023 132 -

Safehaven Marine is a well-known boat builder based in Ireland that specializes in the design and construction of pilot boats. The company has built a reputation for producing top-quality vessels that are reliable, durable, and safe in all weather conditions. Safehaven Marine has delivered 60 pilot boats worldwide, and its latest launch, the VB Mouna, is the latest addition to its impressive resume.

The VB Muna is a 15m Interceptor 48 Pilot boat built for pilotage operations by Boluda Tanger MED for their operations in Tangier, Morocco. It is the first of a three boat contract signed with with Boluda Tanger Med in 2021, and will be the fourth pilot vessel Safehaven have supplied to Morocco. . The vessel is powered by a pair of Caterpillar C9.3 470hp engines, ZF gearboxes, and conventional shaft drive, which gives it a maximum speed of 24.5kts and an operational speed of 22 knots.
One of the unique features of the VB Mouna is its sliding platform adjustable reach pilot boarding ladder/platform. Safehaven Marine designed this platform, which raises the pilot approximately 1.2m above deck. The platform is accessed from the opposing side to boarding, with the pilot able to transverse quickly and safely across the foredeck. The distance from the ship's side for the boarding platform itself is adjustable in three stages and can be set to suit the sea state and likely roll of the vessel. The adjustability also allows for protrusions such as belting along a ship's side to be taken into account. The platform is manually adjustable, easily and quickly by a simple stainless steel guide roller/rail arrangement and locking mechanism. It incorporates a ‘fail-safe’ feature, ensuring the sliding platform section cannot detach from the base. The position of the platform can be set prior to departing or just in advance of the maneuver, once the boarding conditions have been assessed.
Another notable feature of the Svitzer Oued Martil is its Ocean 3 fender system, which is retained by straps and is easily replaced if damaged. The fender is designed to protect the hull all round especially the main boarding area and cushion the impact that can occur in poor conditions. The Ocean 3 fender system is made up of multiple individual sections that interlock together and are attached to the vessel's hull by straps. This design allows for quick and easy replacement of damaged sections without the need for the entire fender system to be replaced. This feature not only reduces maintenance costs but also ensures that the vessel can remain in service for longer periods without the need for extensive repairs.
The VB Mouna is also fitted with a full suite of Furumo electronics at its central helm position, providing excellent all-round visibility and control of the craft when undertaking alongside ship pilot transfers. The vessel's main cabin pilot seating arrangements include a console for one of the pilot seats to port, incorporating a navigation display and VHF with a further pair of seats opposing each other with a table between for a sociable arrangement.
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