
Webinar: Pilot Ladder Arrangements: A Pilot's Perspective on Best Practices (18 Sept. 2023)

published on 29 August 2023 335 -

RightShip continues its webinar series on pilot ladder arrangements. On September 18th, we’re asking two marine pilots to share their first-hand perspectives on pilot ladder arrangement best practices.

Meet our guest speakers:

Captain Arie Palmers
Arie went to sea in 1993, working for the Royal Netherlands Navy on mine countermeasure vessels. Since then, he has worked in a range of maritime roles, including re-educating young offenders on training vessels and working on towing and offshore. In 2008, he apprenticed as a marine pilot and has since become a vocal advocate for pilot safety and other issues.

Captain Adam Roberts
Adam started his formal career as a deck cadet, spending 17 years sailing through the ranks and serving short office secondments before being appointed as Master. He spent five years sailing as Master on LNG Tankers before he joined Port Kembla as a trainee Marine Pilot in 2011. Adam is a Vice President of IMPA and Chairs the IMPA Safety Committee.

In addition to hearing these two perspectives, RightShip’s experts will explore issues from the most-asked questions from our previous webinar.

We will also welcome questions from the audience at the end of the webinar.
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Article 1,000 ways to secure a Pilot Ladder

by Arie Palmers, Netherlands - published on 10 January 2020

From that moment on I have been keeping a tally of the non compliant boarding arrangements I see in front of me on a daily base, and off course I participate in the annual safety campaign, conducted by IMPA each october.


Article Combinations Ladders: "1,000 combinations around" (by Arie Palmers)

by Arie Palmers, Netherlands - published on 13 July 2020

Before you, you see my third article on pilot boarding arrangements. After my two previous articles
(‘1000 ways to secure a pilot ladder’ and ‘1000 ladders around’, I have received a lot of feedback and
also questions to get deeper into the matter of combinations and embarkation platforms.


Article Shareable Survey "Boarding and Landing Arrangements for Pilots" by Ewan Rattray

by - published on 26 August 2020

This survey on pilot ladder safety was initiated by Ewan Rattray. It is supported and recommended by well-known heads of the #dangerousladders Facebook group like Kevin Vallance, Arie Palmers and others.


Video Cork Pilot disembarking

published on 8 September 2021

#storm #tides #ocean #sea #dangerous #training #navy #badweather #stormy #weather #cargo #ship #ships #boat


Video Lisbon pilot disembarking from Adonia in rough seas (2014)

published on 11 September 2021

The P and O ship Adonia leaving Lisbon on 3-11-14. This was the Pilot's second attempt to leave the ship. A smaller cutter found the seas too rough to take off the Pilot so this larger cutter took over.


Video Accommodation Ladder Load Testing

published on 25 January 2022

Load Testing of Accommodation Ladder Set. The Test was carried out under Class Surveyor's supervision at Roads.


Video CHIRP Pilot Ladders (Landscape)

published on 13 December 2023

We take a look at some of the dangerous ladder arrangements provided by ships when attempting to take maritime pilots on board. Our message is simple: if you are offered an unsafe or non-compliant ladder, do not board!


Video PTR Pilot ladder

published on 6 November 2020


Video Pilot Boat "Ocean Pearl" from Pakistan

published on 16 June 2021

Pilot boat
#Sealife #Seaman


Article Jacobsen Pilot Service and Los Angeles Pilot Station publish notice to all ships

published on 15 August 2020

Jacobsen Pilot Service and Los Angeles Pilot Station published a notice to all ships to inspect pilot ladders before the pilot boards.

Reason is an incident happened at the port of long beach in July 2020. Pilot ladder rope broke while the pilot was on the ladder - luckily the pilot was able to hold on.