Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 26 January 2021 901 -

Qatar Energy
Katar, Qatar

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video USCG Surf Training

published on 23 January 2021

USCG Station Yaquina Bay in Newport, OR
Surf Training from 12/19-1/20


Article Five questions for Esil Abibula, Head of Romanian Pilotage Department

published on 27 July 2023

In our section “Five questions for ..." introduces pilots and other market players to our readers in short interviews.

Today we have talked to Esil Abibula, Head of Romanian Pilotage Department.


Video Great Lakes Sailing - Welland Canal HD time-lapse

published on 1 September 2020

The Welland Canal is a ship canal in Canada that runs 42 km (27.0 miles) from Port Colborne, Ontario on Lake Erie to Port Weller, Ontario on Lake Ontario. As part of the St. Lawrence Seaway, the canal allows ships to traverse the Niagara Escarpment and avoid Niagara Falls. FOR THE SPRINKLERS QUESTION HERE IS YOUR ANSWER: "Hogging is a term used when a vessel is bent up in the middle due to any number of factors. On the Great Lakes this happens to vessels in hot weather where the upper part...


Video Being a Marine Pilot - Meet Neil Crysler, BC Coast Pilot

published on 4 July 2020

Meet Neil Crysler, a Licenced ship Pilot with the BC Coast Pilots, a company consisting of approximately 105 licensed marine pilots who work with the Pacific Pilotage Authority to keep the British Columbia Coast line safe and healthy. Neil takes pride in his fast paced life as a pilot. His work allows him to be on the water, getting large international tankers safely down our coast line. His work keeps him on his feet, sometimes sending him up the coast at a moment’s notice. Neil has found...


Article TRENZ starts Open Testing phase for

by - published on 11 October 2024

Commencement of the Open Testing phase for, a platform designed to enhance the safety of maritime pilots through effective deficiency reporting and data exchange.


Video Ship Pilotage to Dunkirk Harbour BreakWater.

published on 11 May 2022

Ships Arrival from Dunkirk Pilot Boarding Ground to Dunkirk Breakwaters Captured.How the Pilots boards the Ships.How the Tugs are made Fast.
Beautiful Entrance to Dunkirk Harbour.
@JeffHK @Karanvir Singh Nayyar
#Dunkirk #SeaPilotboarding #TugBoats #Dunkerque #HistoricPortWWII


Video Kaarstoe, Norway: Berthing at Jetty 2 of Gassco-Terminal

published on 14 June 2021

In this video you can see the modern port service provided by the port. They have big LNG Powered Tug, modern pilot boat, nicely laid out berth, and experienced/competent pilot.


Opinion A report on AIMPA’s Webinar on “Reconceptualising Indian Maritime Pilotage”

published on 6 November 2020

The need to hold such a webinar was felt from the interaction over several months of AIMPA members through its President, Capt. Gajanan Karanjikar, with Capt Simon Meyjes and Capt.Ravi Nijjer - both instrumental in the thorough upgrade of pilotage


Video How A Pilot Boards A Cargo Ship | Life At Sea

published on 4 December 2020

Over 90% of the world's trade is carried by sea. Watch and learn how a pilot boards a container ship before entering port.
In this video, a cargo ship bound for Houston, Texas is boarded by a Houston Pilot before entering the Houston Ship Channel.
#maritime #HoustonPilots #houstonshipchannel


Video MS Westcott servicing the Algoma Harvester - Detroit River

published on 30 September 2022

Taken from aboard the MS Westcott Pilot Boat this is the Algoma Harvester receiving mail on the Detroit River as they head downbound in the early evening hours of September 2nd, 2022
I had just been in Cleveland OH for the christening of the Mark W Barker the newest ship for the Interlake Steamship Company and left there on the 2nd to go to Toledo and see the National Museum of the Great Lakes and then I continued on to Detroit where I made this stop at the JW Westcott Company and met up...